Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EH GERMANIUM issues with wall plug

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    Hello, I’m new to the forum and I just purchased the EH Germanium. I love this pedal but I noticed that whenever I use a wall plug to power up the pedal, it gives off a high pitch hissing sound when the voltage knob is anything higher than 9 o’clock.

    I tried both taking off the battery and leaving the battery in the pedal while plugged in to the wall plug.

    The power supply that I use is the one that Guitar Center carries called 1SPOT.
    Has anyone had this issue? Any help would be great.

    Thanks in advance!


    does it work fine on a battery?

    if so then it’s the one spot it doesn’t like… are you daisy chaining it or running it on it’s own? Some pedals don’t like sharing power supplies.

    does it work fine on a battery?

    if so then it’s the one spot it doesn’t like… are you daisy chaining it or running it on it’s own? Some pedals don’t like sharing power supplies.

    It does work fine on the battery. I am daisy chaining the pedal with my tuner. I removed the daisy chain and connected the Germanium directly and that got rid of the high pitch hum but now it gives off a louder hum when I use that 1SPOT plug compared to just using the battery.

    So I guess it must be the 1SPOT that’s the issue. Is there a power plug you recommend?

    Much thanks for the advice!


    I’d probably just use a battery to be honest, it will last ages in a fuzz pedal.

    EHX recommend their own power supply of course.

    “The optional 9V power supply from Electro-Harmonix is 9.6DC-200BI (same as used by Boss® & Ibanez®) 9.6 Volts DC 200mA” but like they say it’s just a standard boss type. I’ve had problems with a 1-spot in the past and I ended up selling it…. it was fine for 90% of the pedals but there was always a few that didn’t like it for some unknown reason, even using it on their own.


    When I first got my Germanium OD I had the same problem. I tried daisy chaining it + I tried it with a couple of separate power supplies and it was so noisy it was unusable.

    I had almost given up, when I happened to try another power supply (a cheap ‘non brand’ variable voltage one from an electrical store) and it worked PERFECTLY!

    No noise at all

    I think it’s a case of just trying different options until you get one that the Germanium OD likes. (Daisychain is a bad idea).

    If all else fails, go with MelX and stick with a battery.


    Melx and TenSecondTed,

    Thanks for all the input and advice! I ended up using a Boss power supply. It seemed to like that but it still did not like daisy chaining the power supply, so it has its separate power supply apart from my other pedals.

    I couldn’t have figured this out without your help! Thanks much!

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