Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EH Freeze

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    I know that this is a new pedal, but I’m curious on whether this pedal can be used with an expression pedal to control the effect level?




    only the HOG can do that.


    Oh ok, thanks guys. :)


    If you wanted to youcould build a simple parallel effects loop box and use the Big Freeze with a volume pedal after it in the loop?
    Also I think it said that it uses a momentary footswitch, so you would have to hold down the footswitch while using the expression pedal.

    Kevin Demuth
    If you wanted to youcould build a simple parallel effects loop box and use the Big Freeze with a volume pedal after it in the loop?
    Also I think it said that it uses a momentary footswitch, so you would have to hold down the footswitch while using the expression pedal.

    It also has a latch mode where you don’t need to hold the switch held down.


    I just got this pedal and it’s truly inspiring. I also own the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai and the Cathedral, but I have always been unhappy with the fact that you could not latch the overdub on the SMMwH or latch the infinite reverb on the Cathedral, so I’m appreciating being able to do this with the Freeze.

    My only complaint at this point is that you can’t overdub, but being able to grab any sound at the input and turn it into a drone opens up a world of possibilities, so I’ll try not to think of the Freeze as a looper.

    First test configuration: Kalimba + Devi Ever Rocket + Freeze = Great harmonic drone.

    Aside from the HOG, the only effect I have used so far that could do this sort of thing was Marc Lingk’s TimeFreezer, and it’s a plugin, so you would need to bring a laptop and extra controllers to use it onstage.


    Hellacious amount of want for the Freeze.

    I just got this pedal and it’s truly inspiring. I also own the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai and the Cathedral, but I have always been unhappy with the fact that you could not latch the overdub on the SMMwH or latch the infinite reverb on the Cathedral, so I’m appreciating being able to do this with the Freeze.

    My only complaint at this point is that you can’t overdub, but being able to grab any sound at the input and turn it into a drone opens up a world of possibilities, so I’ll try not to think of the Freeze as a looper.

    First test configuration: Kalimba + Devi Ever Rocket + Freeze = Great harmonic drone.

    Aside from the HOG, the only effect I have used so far that could do this sort of thing was Marc Lingk’s TimeFreezer, and it’s a plugin, so you would need to bring a laptop and extra controllers to use it onstage.

    you can overdub what you freeze with the memory man, then freeze another note and dub it again, and so on ;)

    I just got this pedal and it’s truly inspiring. I also own the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai and the Cathedral, but I have always been unhappy with the fact that you could not latch the overdub on the SMMwH

    What would a “latch” on the overdub acheive?

    My only complaint at this point is that you can’t overdub, but being able to grab any sound at the input and turn it into a drone opens up a world of possibilities, so I’ll try not to think of the Freeze as a looper.

    The Freeze is a looper as far as it takes whatever you put into it & loops it. Looping originally comes from tape loops which were just patched together to form a tape loop. Some could be overdubed but originally not. You just looped whatever had been recorded previously. So the Freeze is a one-shot looper.


    i have been having problems with my freeze. i only use it in latch mode. when i step on the pedal i frequently (but not always) get no response (sound or LED). When the pedal does “respond” there is still no audio and the LED flashes once or twice. I had to wait a long time to get my hands on this thing and it has not worked consistently. now it seems to do nothing but occasionally flash. PLEASE HELP.

    Kevin Demuth
    i have been having problems with my freeze. i only use it in latch mode. when i step on the pedal i frequently (but not always) get no response (sound or LED). When the pedal does “respond” there is still no audio and the LED flashes once or twice. I had to wait a long time to get my hands on this thing and it has not worked consistently. now it seems to do nothing but occasionally flash. PLEASE HELP.

    Return it for a refund/replacement.


    I got my freeze pedal over the weekend, and upon trying it out for the first time I realized something isn’t right. The latch setting doesn’t work at all. The sound is sustained for about a half second then it cuts out, and the LED goes out. When the switch is on either the Fast or Slow setting, it will sustain the sound for about two seconds (maybe) then it cuts out, even if the pedal is still depressed, and the LED begins blinking.

    If I unplug the power supply then replug it in, it seems to work properly on the Fast or Slow setting for about a minute or two, then it will revert back to the behavior described above. The Latch setting doesn’t work at all.

    Any ideas on what I can do other than send it in for a refund? I need help!

    Thanks in advance


    Why would you do anything other than return it? It’s new. You work hard for that money. You deserve a pedal that works. They’ll give you another one.


    I just got the freeze pedal and in fast mode I thought that the foot switch would act like a momentary foot switch and you wouldn’t have to click it on and off (tap twice) to start a new loop. Am I wrong? That’s the way the video demo looks and also what the instructions indicate? ? Help! Maybe mine is not functioning properly? If someone has an answer please fill me in, I do really like this pedal but it needs a momentary function if in fact mine is working correctly ….thanks

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