Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EH El Nano Memory Toy not working.

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  • #82059

    Hello there,

    I have a Electro Harmonix El Nano Memory Toy and when I plug it in I am not getting any tonal variances. When I hit the footswitch I hear the same signal tone as if the pedal wasn’t even pugged in.

    I have used several new batteries all tested with a volt meter, and even the adapter input doesn’t seem to have an effect on this pedal to work.

    I have used this pedal for an approximate dozen or so times and it was working great. Just recently the pedal seems to have some issues.

    The LED light is still lighting up.

    I am curious as to what I need to do to have this up and running again.

    I have called and left a customer service representative a message as their phone answering services stated their hours were between 3-5.

    Thank you.


    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank you.


    I have called and left messages at different times now,

    what else can I do?

    Thank you.


    Hi there,

    i just have exactly the same problem !

    My pedal ( Nano Memory toy ) is correctly plugged, the light is lighting up but it does not change the sound in anyway …

    If anyone could help us !



    I am quite frustrated.

    I have called more than 5 times and left detailed messages with as much information I could give.

    This is the LAST EH pedal I purchase.


    Hi Slavestate and Gattt!

    I’m really angry because I have the same problem with my (new!) Memory Toy! The red led is lighting up but the pedal doesn’t affect the signal at all. I’ve tried to change the adapter, the batteries but the result is always the same. Does any of you solved the problem somehow?
    Thank you!


    I have not solved the problem, and Electro Harmonix hasn’t helped in the least bit.

    I actually ran into a buddy today who had the same thing happen to his, and mentioned he spoke with a EH Rep and was told that there was an issue with a batch of these.

    It’s a shame I have a shoddy paperweight now. Especially because I paid what I thought was decent money for what should have been a decent pedal.

    What a shame.


    Is there a Moderator on this board who can give some piece of mind in regards to this discussion?

    I have called more than half a dozen times and left detailed messages in both the technical support and/or customer service departments in regards to my dysfunctional pedal. Not ONCE have I actually talked to an individual at this company, rather I have been directed to an automated voice messaging system.

    Is this how EH does their business?

    I simply am looking for a fix.


    Apparently there is a problem with a batch of these pedals. Some problem with the hardware inside the pedal coming apart


    Two boards that should be connected or summit


    Check out the customer reviews on amazon someone has the answer


    Thought I wud take the liberty of finding the review myself for u…….

    By Pat Mustard – Published on Amazon.com This review is from: Electro-Harmonix Memory Toy (Electronics) The good: Easy to use, nice features, sounds really sweet, and a great price. Well worth purchasing even though I have one note of concern.

    The concern: My Memory Toy worked fine for a couple of months then spontaneously stopped working, lights came on but no effects processing occurred.

    I contacted EHX and opened the pedal to remove the battery prior to shipping. The pedal has two circuit boards,withone attached to the other by eight pins fitted into sockets on the other board. I noticed that the top circuit board of the two in the pedal was loose, and had in fact separated from the main board.

    Once I pushed the board pins back into the sockets onthe main board the pedal started working again, it seems that the one board must easily come loose from the main board causingthe problems.

    I assume that the design that allows this to happen is the cause of the numerous similar issues I have heardof with this pedal, (some arriving DOA, etc.)

    I added a rubber pad to keep the board inplace from now on…


    Guh… Mine just died tonight and I’ve been using it for two years without problems.

    Anyone get EH to fix theirs yet?

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