Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear EH Cathedral Stereo Reverb or Holy Grail Plus

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    Still deciding on which one has a more vintage analog reverb sound. What does Holy Grail Plus offers that the Cathedral Stereo Reverb does not have?

    I am big fan of Led Zeppelin, Clapton, Kiss and all the rest of the 70s classic rock legends. My rig is based on a Les Paul Standard through a Marshall 1987x Reissue with no effects loop.

    After doing some deep research I discovered Jimmy Page and Clapton used to get their reverb from Old EMT studio Plate reverbs. So I have finally decided I need a nice thick and analog reverb. WHich of the above mentioned reverbs is more recommedable? What are the pros and cons of the two models.

    Please can you give your advice ASAP as I am ready to make the purchase today.


    Yeah, but isn’t the cathedral digital? Even tho, it sounds great.


    Given the choice I’d get the Cathedral,
    simply for the ‘infinite’ button.


    Cathedral is good indeed, but it’s flooded with functions that for his simple purposes, would be too much. But since you discover new usable sounds out of a pedal that you wouldn’t tought of, the cathedral is the best idea. Besides, if you have the money and you like the tone, then def. get the cathedral


    Cathedral is incredible.

    The tone is perfect, there are many different modes (that may be a little confusing in the beggining), but it has the grail reverb, analog reverb, the infinite mode, the reverse echo (these two last modes I mentioned are worth the pedal itself), and much more. The quality of the sound and possibilities are unbelievable. I sure recommend it. I will post a better review on July… I bouhght one here yesterday, but my bass guitar is not with me…



    and good luck finding an analog reverb that isn’t spring-based. Last I heard even simple ones like the DOD FX45 and the Aria SRV-1 were hitting $200-$300 used if they showed up at all.

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