Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EH 2880 Troubleshooting

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  • #81958
    Blanck Mass

    i have recently been looking at the EH 2880 unit and footswitch before buying but am struggling with a few things

    i will be using ableton live for the majority of my live performance, triggering samples and drum patterns, etc, and using an ableton Akai APC to trigger these patterns and loops. where the EH 2880 would come in is here; on top of the what will be going on in Ableton, i am going to need to create loops with guitar that sit on top on the albeton beats and basslines but of course, i’m going to need the loops to be totally ‘flush’ and spot on timing wise with what is going on underneath in ableton. i know the EH 2880 recieves Midi Clock, but does it do this just to receive a ‘click track’ if you will, or is the unit a little more intelligent than that, in the sense that it will start the loop from the nearest ‘BPM pulse’ and when you click out of the loop, do the same thing, so that the loop will sit flush with the midi clock and not slip out of time over a long space of time? hopefully the latter, as this is what i would be perfect for what i would need the unit for

    apologies if this is worded awkwardly, i’m not really down on all the technical jargon in most manuals.

    any help would be appreciated here, so thanks in advance!


    it’s only worded awkwardly because it’s one hell of a run-on sentence.

    The 2880 does indeed receive midi clock data and use it for quantizing (snapping-to-grid) loops.
    As far as timing goes, that’ll be dependent on 1- your computer not to lag/glitch 2- you not using the CC #’s of the EHX’s start/stop commands, which will just in general cause synchronization problems.

    I use mine with hardware grooveboxes and I don’t have a problem with clock drift provided the quantize and ext clock buttons are lit. Both need to be lit to sit flush with the BPM.

    Blanck Mass

    Thanks ever so much for this! Very helpful.

    I’m going to go ahead and buy this


    don’t get me wrong, I think the 2880 is a really great product,
    I think since you choose to go the Ableton route, I think you can save yourself a lot of work & just use the looper inside Ableton. It can sync to the beat & everything you mention above.
    Use an external soundcard to play your guitar into the computer. If you buy one with multiple ins and outs, you still have the option to keep your guitar track separated from the rest the sound of your ableton project (if you want to let the guitar run through a guitar amp, for example).
    Otherwise as Cryabetes describes, the 2880 combined with a groovebox is a good performance setup. Then you don’t rely on a computer.


    ^^ that too, if your computer can handle it.

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