Home Forums EHX News Effectology, Vol. 3: Cello Concerto for Guitar and Effect Pedals

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    So amazing, never thought those sounds could be produced by a guitar. I’d really like a Polychorus now, but I’m hoping that I can hold off until an
    XO version comes out. Any chance of that happening soon?

    So amazing, never thought those sounds could be produced by a guitar. I’d really like a Polychorus now, but I’m hoping that I can hold off until an
    XO version comes out. Any chance of that happening soon?

    I have no inside knowledge unfortunatly, but I would guess that it won’t be too long. I’m suprised there isn’t one already to be honest.


    Hello guys.

    I had to join up on this forum to tell the creator of this what a huge impression this video made on me.

    I’m a bassist (a regular on http://www.talkbass.com) and very much into effects.
    Now I’m definately getting a HOG. I was thinking about it before, I heard some soundsamples of someone making their bass sound like a celtic flute (or something alike).
    But I always liked violins, and I regret that I never had the chance to learn it as a child.
    Maybe that’s why I play fretless bass exclusively now.
    And if the HOG can make my fretless bass sound like a cello or violin that would certainly get a lot of use in my situation.

    I’m going to try those settings out on my POG… that from the string section.
    Compressors and delays I’ve got enough. :) Just no chorus and reverb… never liked chorus and reverb on bass. (Like it on guitar though.)
    But, after hearing Bill’s “cello concerto” there might be an EHX Stereo Polychorus in my future.

    Maybe I should hang out here more. :)

    greetings, René (Belgium)

    bill ruppert


    Thank very much for you kind thoughts.
    I can not wait to hear what sounds you get with the HOG!
    Good Luck!
    Bill Ruppert

    Hello guys.

    I had to join up on this forum to tell the creator of this what a huge impression this video made on me.

    I’m a bassist (a regular on http://www.talkbass.com) and very much into effects.
    Now I’m definately getting a HOG. I was thinking about it before, I heard some soundsamples of someone making their bass sound like a celtic flute (or something alike).
    But I always liked violins, and I regret that I never had the chance to learn it as a child.
    Maybe that’s why I play fretless bass exclusively now.
    And if the HOG can make my fretless bass sound like a cello or violin that would certainly get a lot of use in my situation.

    I’m going to try those settings out on my POG… that from the string section.
    Compressors and delays I’ve got enough. :) Just no chorus and reverb… never liked chorus and reverb on bass. (Like it on guitar though.)
    But, after hearing Bill’s “cello concerto” there might be an EHX Stereo Polychorus in my future.

    Maybe I should hang out here more. :)

    greetings, René (Belgium)

    bill ruppert
    hey, islander, whats the point of your picture? can you please decypher it to me

    Its a steel drum.

    hey, islander, whats the point of your picture? can you please decypher it to me

    Its a steel drum.

    i wish i had a steel drum, they are so cool.


    Bill is right on how sometimes an analog chorus will do things to a signal that you would never expect.
    I had a similar effect once that sounded galaxies apart depending on whether you ran it in mono or stereo.

    I noticed the best use was using the device in stereo for clean guitars it distorted the signal so it
    almost sounded like both a clean guitar and a synth pad at the same time. Sometimes the ‘limitations’
    of a device is actually it’s strength for creating evocative sounds.


    newbie question, how does the hog work for bass guitar? This Cello sound is incredible, and i really would like to experiment more!

    bill ruppert

    If you played the part I did up one octave on your bass it should sound the same or very close.

    Bill Ruppert

    newbie question, how does the hog work for bass guitar? This Cello sound is incredible, and i really would like to experiment more!

    Absolutely amazing work, and some questions raised here come to bear on a question I’ve posted to the “Help” forum: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/3347/

    I’d like to raise the question that Island3r posted above again:

    I would assume that a similar cello sound would be possible using the POG2?

    Any thoughts? HOG + controller is looking like overkill (esp. on the wallet) and I’m wondering what I can hope to get out of the POG 2. I’m really in love with that Cello tone, though!


    hey bill, the cello you have made is probably one of the most inspiring sounds toward guitar that i have ever heard. unfortunately i dont have a hog or any reverb. if i did, i would be all over that mother!

    one thing though, if i am gonna get a reverb, its mos def gonna be a cathedral. can you transpose the holiest grail settings over to a cathedral please

    bill ruppert

    Thanks so much Darc!!
    I bet you can get a cello like sound using the POG2.
    I lowered the guitar pitch down to A with the HOG.
    Using the POG2 you will need to detune the guitar down by hand.
    With some work I would think it could work.
    Thanks again for watching!

    Absolutely amazing work, and some questions raised here come to bear on a question I’ve posted to the “Help” forum: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/3347/

    I’d like to raise the question that Island3r posted above again:

    I would assume that a similar cello sound would be possible using the POG2?

    Any thoughts? HOG + controller is looking like overkill (esp. on the wallet) and I’m wondering what I can hope to get out of the POG 2. I’m really in love with that Cello tone, though!

    bill ruppert

    Hey friedjesseradio,Thanks man!
    The Cathedral is even better.
    Any hall setting will work.
    The Cathedral in stereo is amazing!

    hey bill, the cello you have made is probably one of the most inspiring sounds toward guitar that i have ever heard. unfortunately i dont have a hog or any reverb. if i did, i would be all over that mother!

    one thing though, if i am gonna get a reverb, its mos def gonna be a cathedral. can you transpose the holiest grail settings over to a cathedral please

    Thanks so much Darc!!
    I bet you can get a cello like sound using the POG2.
    I lowered the guitar pitch down to A with the HOG.
    Using the POG2 you will need to detune the guitar down by hand.
    With some work I would think it could work.
    Thanks again for watching!

    You are quite welcome! I’m genuinely impressed/inspired/humbled. All good things, right?

    Good news re: the POG 2. I found a very good deal on a used one and decided to go for it. As I said, I think I can use a Variax to achieve proper detuning as needed. It’s a little ugly down a fifth, but if I went a minor 3rd and then compensated on the fingerboard, I might have some luck. It’s not like I have a specific piece of music in mind yet.

    I’m still slightly obsessed with the HOG but it’s tough that it won’t save/recall presets without another sizable box and investment. I think if EH addressed that one oversight w/ a HOG 2, they’d have a better seller on their hands.

    Thank so much for the demos and for your reply to my question. I’ll post back with my results as soon as I get the new toy! :)

    Hey friedjesseradio,Thanks man!
    The Cathedral is even better.
    Any hall setting will work.
    The Cathedral in stereo is amazing!

    hey bill, the cello you have made is probably one of the most inspiring sounds toward guitar that i have ever heard. unfortunately i dont have a hog or any reverb. if i did, i would be all over that mother!

    one thing though, if i am gonna get a reverb, its mos def gonna be a cathedral. can you transpose the holiest grail settings over to a cathedral please

    i dont understand this whole stereo thing for the cathedral is. i know what stereo is but whats some cool application for it?

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