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    Passive means it’s not powered in anyway, you can use it without a battery and it directs your signal by mechanical switching, the LS-2 uses electronics to send your signal where it needs to go and must be powered for it to work.

    …….by the way, I don’t mind at all, but you might get better info on Boss products from the Boss forum and if you email Red Onion they will tell you anything you need to know about their products!! but I’m glad to help anyway. :)

    Silverface Fender’d.

    High wattage, clean all the way.

    If you took something like the signal pad and put it in your effects loop with it turned really low, then turn the preamp volume up high you can get dirt at reasonable levels.

    I think this only works on tube amps though


    No effects loop

    2 channels- bass and guitar
    volume, 3 tone knobs per channel
    then a master volume

    Everything at 10 and it will be deafeningly loud but still clean

    but that’s not a problem. I usually have my pre-amp on about 7, my master at about 3-4, and I use fuzz and OD pedals for my dirt! :D


    What kind of horrible amp stays clean with everything on 10!!?!?!

    Thats funny because my amp cant get clean…lol, but thats the way I like it!

    What kind of horrible amp stays clean with everything on 10!!?!?!

    Thats funny because my amp cant get clean…lol, but thats the way I like it!

    Yeah my hot rod will start to break up past 3 on the clean channel. (range is from 1-12).

    What kind of horrible amp stays clean with everything on 10!!?!?!

    Thats funny because my amp cant get clean…lol, but thats the way I like it!

    I like it, it sounds good and it’s freaking huge sounding with fuzz. It roars.

    But that was the trend in Fender amps for awhile in the 70’s. Silverface fenders are notorious for being super loud and super clean.

    But that’s fine with me. As much as I think a guitar strait into a dirty amp is, I don’t need it for what I do, and I think it’s sort of a hassle when you’re using effects to have effects loops and such.


    I was interested in Red Onion because of your advice. I just want to know if the pedal is more transparent if it is a passive or an active loop switch.
    I think it could be very interesting for E-H pedals owners that expect the best performance of their pedals.

    I was interested in Red Onion because of your advice. I just want to know if the pedal is more transparent if it is a passive or an active loop switch.
    I think it could be very interesting for E-H pedals owners that expect the best performance of their pedals.

    well, any passive system will be transparent because there’s nothing to change the signal (apart from a few extra bits of wire and a switch, so providing they are good quality then there isn’t really anything there to alter your tone. I have no idea about the LS-2 though

    What kind of horrible amp stays clean with everything on 10!!?!?!

    Thats funny because my amp cant get clean…lol, but thats the way I like it!

    I like it, it sounds good and it’s freaking huge sounding with fuzz. It roars.

    But that was the trend in Fender amps for awhile in the 70’s. Silverface fenders are notorious for being super loud and super clean.

    But that’s fine with me. As much as I think a guitar strait into a dirty amp is, I don’t need it for what I do, and I think it’s sort of a hassle when you’re using effects to have effects loops and such.

    Well you dont really need an effects loop if your amp is really that clean, because the whole point is to be able to put stuff like chorus, flange, and delay after the distortion, but for you thats just at the end of your effects chain!


    Well a passive switch using 3pdt so that it disconnects the power connects the input to the output, so basically you’re getting the same as if you didn’t have a pedal in there.

    A lot of older active switching pedals (AKA Buffered Bypass) were notorious tone suckers- especially Wahs. But a lot of builders have learned from that mistake and buffered bypass is much better now.

    True bypass/passive switching has the nice advantage of that when it’s bypassed the power is disconnected from the circuit saving power and it’s like a pedal isn’t actually there when it’s off. But a long stretch of TB pedals with some long cords and essentially you have your pickups pushing a whole cord and you’ll end up losing tone- so having at least one buffered bypass will help your tone in such case. Also some pedals just shouldn’t be TB because of the drastic change in input impedance.

    You can use active circuits for either switching system, and I think that’s what you want.
    Because unless you are going to put a boost in the loop, you want a boost built into the bypass looper so that you can raise or lower the volume.

    I see Red Onion offers passive volume controls, but that’s only going to allow you to lower a pedal’s volume.

    The LS-2 does boost but the reviews on Harmony Central are mixed though. I don’t think Boss has the best buffers, but they aren’t bad.

    I can’t think of any TB loopers with built in clean boosts, but I don’t know too much about what companies make TB loopers and stuff, so I’ll ask around.

    The best way to solve this problem would be to keep your tone pure and not use any effects. I would do the same, but I just can’t part with my wah and fuzz quite yet. I’ve kicked the modulation and delay addiction, so that’s a plus.

    How can you say not to use effects pedals when this is a forum for effects pedals?

    It just doesnt make sense.


    anyways- to the original poster- I can’t find any solutions with built in clean boosts for under 100 dollars.

    I’d say get the LS-2. It probably has a fine bypass.


    Thanks! Do you think the following solution with the red onion would be provide a better bypass than the LS-2?
    – lower the level of the germanium OD output on loop 1,
    – keep the same output level on loop 2 (chorus) .

    Kevin Demuth
    Thanks! Do you think the following solution with the red onion would be provide a better bypass than the LS-2?
    – lower the level of the germanium OD output on loop 1,
    – keep the same output level on loop 2 (chorus) .


    Ned Flanders
    How can you not get your amp dirty? Have you tried turning the volume and or gain knob up? That usually solves the whole clean problem.

    Twin reverbs stay clean on 10 dude.
    I’ve always used crystal clean amps and I rely on effects for dirt. Effects sound so much better than amp distortion IMO, I hate dirty amps but some mesa’s are ok but still nothing like effects.

    Thanks! Do you think the following solution with the red onion would be provide a better bypass than the LS-2?
    – lower the level of the germanium OD output on loop 1,
    – keep the same output level on loop 2 (chorus) .

    Yeah, that should work with the LS-2.

    Personally, I don’t think you’re going to be able to tell that the LS-2 isn’t true bypass.

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