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    Does anyone know of a pedal that can simulate that beautiful “detune” slider from the POG2? (Other than the POG2…)


    have you seen a demo of the Morpheus Droptune? maybe that’s what your looking for?


    Hey thanks for the quick reply man!

    I have, but I don’t think that would do it. What I’m looking for is that beautiful chorus sound you get from cranking the POG2’s “detune” slider up, just in a small box. The thing is, I’m very new to modulation effects, and I don’t even know what I’d be looking for. Could i get that sound from a particular chorus pedal? Or a vibrato with a 90% mix? Or maybe a tremolo pedal with a similar setting? Or a gentle flanger? I really don’tt know how to achieve that sound.

    Here’s my ultimate reasoning: I love that sound from the POG2, and when I finally decided the organ sounds could add some good textures to my band, EHX released the HOG2. It does everything the POG does it seems, but the ousted the “detune” fader. So what I intend to do is use the direct out for one signal, then mix the “dry signal” out of the wet output, then throw something that at least sounds like the modulation from the POG2’s “detune” slider on the wet signal, and go stereo with that joker. That said: the sound this mystery modulation pedal gives has to be similar to the “detune” slider, and the size has to be fairly small as well, given that the HOG2 takes up a massive amount of board real estate.

    Any thoughts?


    Take a look at the ZOOM multi-FX pedals. Quite nice & I got the BlueTooth version. Very happy with it.


    Hi there
    I own two POG2’s which I’ve had for some time and have just got a HOG2 today.
    The detune on the POG2 is a chorus/flanger modulation effect. Its at a set speed/rate, the slider for it is simply mix level.

    Its worth spending some time online looking up audio and video demos of these kind of effects so you
    have a better idea what to look for. It pays to learn what the popular brands are, and whats
    available in your price range. Look for honest reviews, the more reviews, the better picture you get.

    After that, if you can, I’d suggest taking your POG2, its power supply, multi-power supply board plus a bunch of patch leads to a good music store that stock a decent range of pedals.
    See if they’ll let you test some of their chorus and/or flanger pedals through one of their amps or

    Set the POG2 up for full dry sound no octaves and dry FX amber. Connect up your instrument, POG2 to each
    or all of the pedals and through an amp set up for a clean sound, or PA, and do an A/B comparison ie bypass all except POG2, play, bypass POG2 engage the pedal of interest, play while fiddling with its knobs, bypass pedal, re-engage POG2 for comparison etc
    It’ll take some fiddling but you should be able to find something that can give you a very similar
    sound. BTW – there are a few miniature pedals available, very slim and run on lithium rechargeable
    batteries. If one of those sounds good to you, it’ll give you a little bit more room on your pedal
    board after shoe-horning in the HOG2. :D

    Good luck! :)

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