Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Echo Flanger problem?

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    I purchased an Echo Flanger a while ago here in the U.K. from a fellow U.K. resident but there is a problem with it. It kills the volume of my signal and there is a clicking sound present which the rate of changes when turning the “Rate” knob. Also the L.E.D is green and I’m sure it is supposed to be red?

    The former owner insisted there is nothing wrong with it but clearly there is. I paid £140 for it but I managed to get a £40 refund from the seller as I wanted to keep the pedal.

    Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong with it? One thing that occured to me is the voltage. It has a U.K. plug on it but were Echo Flanger pedals actually released in the U.K? I was thinking maybe it is a U.S. pedal but with a U.K. plug on it and it is receiving the wrong voltage?

    Any help would greatly appreciated.

    The EH Man

    They were released in the UK so it could be original. If the unit wasn’t made for UK voltage the transformer would’ve burned up by now.

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