Home Forums Help/Technical Questions East River Drive cooked

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  • #84261

    Hi.. Hope someone can help. My nephew just cooked my ERD pedal. Didn’t witness it so can’t say for sure what happened. Bypass works fine, engaged I get barely some static even with it max’d out. Opened it up and I can see that the component top left identified with D8 is blown apart. Web photos suggest it is a glossy black cylinder of some sort but photos not detailed enough to identify what the component is. Can someone who doesn’t mind opening theirs have a look and left me know, nice photo if possible. Again, top left when you take the cover off, gloss black cylinder with D8 marked below it.. Thanks!!! Hoping that’s all that is wrong with it.


    Its best if you write the service guys at info@ehx.com
    Its not that dear to fix it. AND it will be fixed right.

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