Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DXMB – Expression Pedal Query

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  • #81365

    Hi All,

    Just got my DXMB, Love the self oscilation, and the tone of it, really compliments my Nova Delay.

    I’m also really digging beable to control the feedback with an expression pedal and herein lies my query.

    My Ernie ball works brilliantly as the expression pedal, but I want to keep that as my volume pedal for obvious tone reasons. I have aquired an old Casio VP-2 (A keyboard volume pedal) has a really nice action, and a minimum level pot as well. It is fitted with the required stereo Jack, so I thought it would work straight out of the box. Well it didn’t, so I looked inside to see the pot configuration. Weird, that is a word that could decribe it very well.

    – The rocker was attached to a dual gang 50kohm lin pot, with the signal (from Jack Tip) going through one gang,

    – Then it went to the minium vol pot, which was a dual gang 500ohm lin pot, going through one side, and then back through the other side,

    – Then it returned to the second half of the rocker pot. before going back out of the pedal (Through the Jack Ring).

    – The Jack sleeve was grounding everything.

    I have attached a quick schematic of it, to try and explain.

    My question, which you may well have deduced, is; can this pedal be made to work as my required DXMB Expression pedal, or will the pot values be of no use?

    All answers/suggestions more than welcome


    The EH Man

    You could make it work, using just a single pot and leaving the other 3 hanging.


    I assume then that if I wanted to keep the minimum adjustment, I could just wire one side of the mimimum volume pot in series with the rocker pot, ala the schematic attached to this post?

    The EH Man

    Yes, that would work.


    Thank you very much sir!

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