Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Double Muff?

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    well, as i personally don’t see an improvement upon the “double muff” when compared to original and metal muffs, so i might see a discontinue in order, however is it worth buying for for it’s rareness while it might be a simple waste.

    well it isn’t supposed to be an improvement on anything….and it’s nothing like a metal muff or a big muff so it has it’s place…..I don’t really understand what you mean by ‘original’ and this pedal isn’t rare at all…….sorry, but I’m totally confused by your post!!

    Like Costch said above it’s basically 2 nano muffs cascaded into each other (the nano muff is a recreation of the original ‘muff fuzz’)


    Don’t get confused thinking all ‘muffs’ are the same, basically EHX use the term for any kind of fuzz/distortion, but they are all very different. I don’t think it will be discontinued totally….but maybe in a nano with the knobs side by side.

    but maybe in a nano with the knobs side by side.

    That could happen, but EHX wouldn’t have both nano’d at the same time. They would choose one or the other, probably the double because it seems to sell better, and it’s more versital. It would be really cool if they reissued the “plug” style muff fuzz and LPB-1 too.

    but maybe in a nano with the knobs side by side.

    That could happen, but EHX wouldn’t have both nano’d at the same time. They would choose one or the other, probably the double because it seems to sell better, and it’s more versital.

    true, but I can see them having both…..it isn’t that different to having the q-tron and q-tron+, some people might only want the single which would be cheaper.

    I guess we’ll see anyway, it’s interesting thinking about this stuff though, trying to second guess ehx!! :D

    but maybe in a nano with the knobs side by side.

    That could happen, but EHX wouldn’t have both nano’d at the same time. They would choose one or the other, probably the double because it seems to sell better, and it’s more versital.

    true, but I can see them having both…..it isn’t that different to having the q-tron and q-tron+, some people might only want the single which would be cheaper.

    I guess we’ll see anyway, it’s interesting thinking about this stuff though, trying to second guess ehx!! :D

    Speaking of the whole Q-Tron situation, I’ve noticed that almost everyone goes for the Q-Tron+ over the standard, so why does EHX continue to make both? They should just have all of the features from the + and call it the Q-Tron. But that’s just what I think. EHX really keeps you on your toes with all of the changes and additions they make.

    Speaking of the whole Q-Tron situation, I’ve noticed that almost everyone goes for the Q-Tron+ over the standard, so why does EHX continue to make both?

    well the only difference that I know of is the plus has an effects loop…….if you don’t want or need that you can buy the one without for less money…..there is only one reason they would continue to make both, the fact is they must be selling plenty of the standard q-trons… otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered making an XO version.

    Speaking of the whole Q-Tron situation, I’ve noticed that almost everyone goes for the Q-Tron+ over the standard, so why does EHX continue to make both?

    well the only difference that I know of is the plus has an effects loop…….if you don’t want or need that you can buy the one without for less money…..there is only one reason they would continue to make both, the fact is they must be selling plenty of the standard q-trons… otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered making an XO version.

    I think the plus may also have one more control, attack response I believe. I wouldn’t really use either of those two features (I think the Q-Tron has to many knobs for someone as “unlearned” as my self to even wrap my brain around, I start loosing the ability to use an effect “effectivley” (pun very intended) when it has over 4 controls.)


    I just got one of these for christmas from my wife and so far I love it. I have tried alot of different overdrives and this one has a great sound.


    Just picked up one of these yesterday and I was concerned it was going to be too “muffled”, but I just plugged it into my “bright” channel and that clears up that problem. I like how the volume knob on the guitar can clear it up too for arpeggios and open chords more so than Big Muff Pi, which is an awesome pedal just not for my applications. It does seem like an “egotistical” pedal like somebody mentioned. I had to move my Janglebox compressor after it, still trying to figure that one out.


    I am a couple of days away from buying one of these…any more reviews would be awesome.
    I’m curious as to what controls the overall volume, especially in single mode. Is there a significant boost when engaged or does it more or less match your “clean” setting?

    I am a couple of days away from buying one of these…any more reviews would be awesome.
    I’m curious as to what controls the overall volume, especially in single mode. Is there a significant boost when engaged or does it more or less match your “clean” setting?

    in single mode the bottom knob controls volume (the top knob does nothing) so you can have the volume wherever you like, in double mode the bottom knob controls overall volume and the top knob controls the amount of volume going from the first muff into the second muff (creating more distortion)

    think of it as two of the same overdrives in series with a volume knob for each, you turn the volume up on the first and it overdrives the second, so it’s very easy to get whatever volume you want.


    I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a Double Muff soon. I’d just like to know if you can get a really saturated fuzz if you crank both knobs in double mode.


    I’m scoping one out before it gets discontinued.

    I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a Double Muff soon. I’d just like to know if you can get a really saturated fuzz if you crank both knobs in double mode.

    It gets pretty fuzzy…its almost as fuzzy as a cranked Fuzz Face, if you know what that sounds like.

    I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a Double Muff soon. I’d just like to know if you can get a really saturated fuzz if you crank both knobs in double mode.

    It gets pretty fuzzy…its almost as fuzzy as a cranked Fuzz Face, if you know what that sounds like.

    That’s pretty much what I’m looking for. It’s only a matter of time now…
    By the way, when would you guess that the DM is going to become discontinued? Also, do you think it will be reissued a la nano or will it fall into obscurity? (valuable obscurity, that is).

    I’m pretty sure I’m going to get a Double Muff soon. I’d just like to know if you can get a really saturated fuzz if you crank both knobs in double mode.

    It gets pretty fuzzy…its almost as fuzzy as a cranked Fuzz Face, if you know what that sounds like.

    That’s pretty much what I’m looking for. It’s only a matter of time now…
    By the way, when would you guess that the DM is going to become discontinued? Also, do you think it will be reissued a la nano or will it fall into obscurity? (valuable obscurity, that is).

    I’d like to see it as a nano,
    it’s too good a pedal to discontinue methinks.
    I leave my amp on clean all the time now and use this like another channel,
    it’s sweet.

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