Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Double Muff x Muff Overdrive x Muff Fuzz

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    Hi all,

    The Double Muff in single mode is by far my favourite overdrive sound. Some years ago, I friend of mine offered me to build a Muff Fuzz based on schematics he found online (since I know squat about electronics). I was disappointed when the Built Muff Fuzz sounded different form the Double Muff in single mode. It sounded a bit more harsh and bassy.

    When the (Nano) Muff Overdrive came out, I bought it thinking it would sound exactly like the DM in single mode. Well, it didn’t. It sounds more like the built Muff Fuzz. So, the Muff Overdrive IS NOT the exact half of the Double Muff, as mentioned in the manual. At least to my ears! I’ve never played with a original vintage Muff Fuzz, so I don’t know how it sound like.

    Does anyone else owns the Double Muff and a version of the Muff Fuzz? Its just me who hears that difference?


    There is a difference in sound between the nano muff and the double muff (in single) I’ve heard that with my own ears. To be honest I liked the nano muff more though! 😆


    I actually like the Nano Muff too! I like the idea of a low gain fuzz! But I wish there was a compact version of the single mode of the DM…


    I couldn’t believe this was true.
    But I bought the Nano Muff overdrive and found out that this unit sound different than the Double Muff in single mode. I did an A-B comparison today. The Nano muff was far more bassy and muffled. A bit more like the Big Muff. The Double Muff in single mode was also more open sounding. So I will return the Nano Muff for a Double Muff.
    Anyone else experienced this? Because the EHX website stated that the units are identical.


    There you go. Despite what EHX says, different units indeed.

    Ned Flanders

    The double muff is two muff OD’s in series, one is slightly different to the first but its negligible imo.

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