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    Which clockwise are you referring to? When you hold the Doctor Q rightside up or upside down?



    The better question is ‘what rightside up / upside down’

    The clockwise I refer to means you are holding the unit, and the power adapter input (back/top of unit) is facing away from you, with the circuit board (bottom of unit) facing you. This is in the normal sized Doctor Q, I looked at the nano pictures and it seems to be the same deal. The nano Q picture from earlier is a good example, if I had that unit in front of me, clockwise would do it (if it is indeed the same positioning as the wedge shape Q.

    the reason I ask ‘what upside down’ ? Take a look at the nano Q picture from earlier. That is what I mean by circuit board facing you. You can turn that upside down unit in any direction, like rotating the picture 90 degrees, but a clockwise turn will still be a clockwise turn in the potentiometer (basically, no matter which earthly direction the power input faces).

    Hope this helps, let me know if you get this trick to work :)



    Hahaha after I posted that I realized how it sounded.
    What I really meant was the angle from which you’re holding the unit.
    Thanks, I was able to get it to sound just about right.



    I just bought a new DoctorQ, the nano one…when i tried using it, I didnt heard any wah sound…all i hear is swishing noises..please help..:D thanks!! I use a bass guitar


    See posts before! ;)
    I’m using a Dr.Q with bass as well, and i was disappointed when i heard how it sounds for the first time. Then i went trough these posts, and finally found the solution. THE TRIM INSIDE! :D
    You can spend a few hours playing with it, but it’s worth it! ;)
    I think the noise you (and i) can hear at high filter response level is because this trim is not in the good position. Try turn it clockwise, to decrease the filter and increase the volume.



    I did this on my Dr Q (Nano) as well. It sounds great! No more volume drop.



    this thread is great and awesome, thanks for the share guys:):):)

    Thanks Flick:

    A couple other similar experiences on TheGearPage:


    PS off topic: you guys are conspicuously absent from this cool site:

    Thanks for sharing the link!


    Thanks for this post.
    I have done everything, including adjusting the trim, nevertheless my brand new doctor Q
    has that persistent problem.

    The range button does not change anything, like if it was’nt working.
    The trim is working though, changing the output level, the swish and so on.
    Same for the switch.

    There is no effect at all, except some tone variation and things said upthere.

    Could it be possible technically that my range button is broken, stuck to 0 ?
    If not, i’ll get back to lego© I guess…

    Thanks for help.


    Just to say picked one of these up at guitar village, and yes huge volume drop too.

    Will be trying to adjust it later on via the trim pot. Surely EHX should be testing these in QA before shipping.


    I picked up a nano dr.q today and am having the same issue. Almost inaudible with the bass switch not engaged. Trim pot doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. Any other tips?


    Did the tweak yesterday, and tested it properly today, much more wah effect and no volume drop. I had mine second hand and think they messed up the setting, as it had no wah sound at all as I bought it……

    Now I’m happy with the pedal!!!!

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