Home Forums The Lounge Do most EHX users also use Fenders?

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    My main guitar is an ES-335…second fiddle is an old Silvertone. Don’t own a Fender — never have (Used to have a few old Tokai Strats though). I’d like a Jazzmaster or maybe a tele but it’s not high on the list.
    Board always has a vintage muff of some sort and a 70s small stone. Sounds great.


    1x Fender Stratocaster(Bridge PU setting) + 1x Double Muff = Yum.


    Fender strat and a Yamaha SG2000

    Stoner Wizard


    I’m half a good example for this post.

    I have six guitars, except for a 81’Gibson Sonex 180 Custom, the other five are Fenders: Four Jazzmasters (all modified) and a heavy modified Strat.

    Speaking of amps, I’m not a Fender player at all. Instead I’m a loyal Sovtek user because all amps I own are Sovteks, which in fact belong to EH product family, so we may think they “have the same spirit”.

    When I think on EH effects, it’s obvious lots of them have a “retro-style” look and sound. Others (the more modern ones) are very “experimental”. In any case they have “something different” that only certain amps could expand in a good way.

    Honestly, I think are one of the best amps for EH pedals. They’re plenty of power and have enough “room” to expand the sounds of EH effects. Most important, their simple (stripped down to the basics) and raw/smooth “old” sound it’s one of the best ways to appreciate EH’s extreme dynamics.

    Sure I’ve never had any bad experience in terms of sound and performance with an EH pedal plugged through a Sovtek MiG (the heavy 100 watt is my choice and favorite).

    If I had to plug an EH through an amp, these would be my favorites (always speaking of tube amps) and head + cab (at least 2 x 12″, or 4 x 12″ – my fav.) set.

    * SOVTEK.
    * HIWATT.
    * SUNN.
    * FENDER (Classics like Twin Reverb, Bassman and a few more).
    * MARSHALL (Obviously, not all but “Plexis”, old JCM 800 for bass & guitar and a few more, but not much).

    Regards from Spain.



    not me! nothing against a fender…i do want a tele & a mustang. i play a sheraton…i loooove that semihollow sound…i really want a casino next…but my sheraton is my baby.


    I use a Fender Tele & Strat, but also Epiphone Les Paul, Aria Pro TA65 Semi, Line 6 Variax (which is a suprisingly nice thing to play) Westone Concord 3, all of which sound fantastic through EH pedals. My bench mark is the Telecaster. I test all new pedals with this. If it makes the Tele sound lush then I know I am on to a winner. If It makes the Tele sound naff….I don’t touch it with a barge pole!!! :doh:


    Yes, i use a 72Tele Custom with my gear.



    I have a Fender Tele and Strat and plug my board into a trusty Hot Rod Deluxe. My weapon of choice is the BMP w/ Tone Wicker.


    1981 Fender Bullet into a Peavey Delta Blues.

    Looking to buy a new guitar though, thinking of either an Eastwood or one of those Harmony re-issues. Something unique.


    I’m an ibanez boy through and through. Unless that day comes i can afford a custom PRS. Because i’m a lefty i just know it’s gonna cost me so much more.


    I do occasionally use a US Fender Standard Plus Strat (the Trevor Wilkinson hardware model from 1992) and also a Fender MIJ Custom Shadow Telecaster Thinline but have to say that I mainly use a Gibson SG Special, Gibson Epiphone Limited Edition Les Paul Gold Top with Gibson ’57 Humbuckers or Vintage Peter Green Lemon Drop Les Paul. I find they pack more punch. Having said this I do get great sounds playing a Fender MIJ Competition Mustang through the SMMH. Beautiful crystalline tones. But I tend to go for heavier sounds, therefore my SG and Les Paul preference. And last but not least, I use a Deagan Electravibe.
    The amps I use are mainly a Vox VR 30, a vintage Fender Champ 12, a Fender Redknob Pro Stage 185, a Fender Redknob Pro Studio 185 and a Mike Matthews Twin Reverb Freedom Amp.


    I mostly play bass, but my primary guitar of late has been a ’63 Fender Jaguar through an old Gibson Invader amp.

    not me! nothing against a fender…i do want a tele & a mustang. i play a sheraton…i loooove that semihollow sound…i really want a casino next…but my sheraton is my baby.

    I also have a Sheraton but play it straight into my Vox VR30 or Fender Champ with a touch of amp reverb. No pedals though.


    I use Fender Jaguar (Novak pups) & Telecaster (Stock neck & EMG bridge) :)


    i play a gretsch pro jet. i dont have any fender gear yet

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