Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DMMWTT the 300?

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    I heard they plan to make them “when they can”.,.,
    But unless you ring ehx themselves and someone hunts around –
    i’d say that boat has sailed, Im in New Zealand – the country got two.


    It seems that Thomann Germany has received some MMTT 1100s. (??)
    I was on an order list and got an email , that it has has been sent.

    I have one already from the Netherlands.

    What shall I do ? Keep it as a backup , or send it back ?
    Is this a future vintage memory man and rare ?

    I also found one in Switzerland ,but very expensive…


    just get it – and sit on a massive pile of them like some dragon
    with his Gold.,. and raororororaor!.,.,
    works for me


    Well ,Im not a collector , only a user ,
    and as well they seem to be available in England…..
    maybe a larger contingent ?
    Did EHX get rid of the last ones , or are there a few more to be produced ?
    pretty expensive by the way (369 Euros…)
    The DMMTT 550 is 319 Euros.
    But imo the 1100 is def. worth the 50 bucks more.

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