Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DMMTT Lo cut

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    I love my DMMTT but I really liked the Lo cut option on the DMB. Would it work if I wired some sort of tone pot (if there’s one that cuts bass rather than the treble) to a couple of jacks and put it in the FX loop or is not that simple? I’d like to avoid using a full sized EQ pedal if at all posssible

    If so what type of/ value pot should I use? I’m assuming it wouldn’t do any harm but I don’t know much about electronics!

    Any suggestions would be very welcome


    I love my DMMTT but I really liked the Lo cut option on the DMB. Would it work if I wired some sort of tone pot (if there’s one that cuts bass rather than the treble) to a couple of jacks and put it in the FX loop or is not that simple? I’d like to avoid using a full sized EQ pedal if at all posssible

    If so what type of/ value pot should I use? I’m assuming it wouldn’t do any harm but I don’t know much about electronics!

    Any suggestions would be very welcome

    You can definitely insert an EQ into the DMMTT’s FX Loop and get the same lo cut feature that is present in the DXMB. You will need at least three components in order to make the low cut circuit: 1 potentiometer, 1 capacitor and 1 resistor. I recommend the following values:

    0.1uF Capacitor
    100k / Reverse LOG (Linear would also work) Potentiometer
    470 ohm resistor

    Connect one lead of the 0.1uF capacitor directly to the input jack of the EQ.
    Connect the other lead of the capacitor to the output of the EQ.
    Connect the 470 ohm resistor to the lead of the capacitor that is connected to the output.
    Connect the other lead of the 470 resistor to the CW (clockwise) pin of the pot.
    Connect the CCW pin of the pot to the GND connection of the input/output jacks of the EQ.
    Connect the wiper of the pot to the grounded CCW pin of the pot.

    In this set up, as you turn the knob clockwise, more low end will be cut. It will definitely work best with a reverse log potentiometer. The linear will work ok, but most of the filtering action will occur in the last 25% of CW rotation. If you can get a log pot, you could reverse the CW and CCW connections and make it so that turning the pot CCW will filter more of the low end.


    Brilliant! Thanks for your detailed and prompt reply- I’ll definitely have a crack at that.


    on this topic of effects loops in the DMMWTT, I want to run a regular DMM echoes – in the loop of the DMMWtt, to get like a multitap thing –
    could you give me a way to do that – with the blend knobs etc

    on this topic of effects loops in the DMMWTT, I want to run a regular DMM echoes – in the loop of the DMMWtt, to get like a multitap thing –
    could you give me a way to do that – with the blend knobs etc

    We haven’t tried this, it sounds like a great idea. I would recommend setting the BLEND knob of the DMM to 50% or so, that way the DMMTT will delay both the original dry signal and the delayed signal from the DMM. You’ll probably want to set the BLEND on the DMMTT to around 50% also.

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