Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DMM REV E version – are all tru bypass REV E?

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    hi tech people – what is a REV E version that is refered to in this auction?
    dmm auction
    in the questions
    Q: Hello, i had a question about the deluxe memory man, do you know if the unit has 2 chips or 4 delay chips? When you open the back the chips are right to the left of the blue switch, if you put your hand under the board you… Continue reading

    A: Hello, This is the 4 chip version. Thanks

    Jan 30, 2012
    Q: What is the date this unit was produced? Thanks, Adam

    A: As best I can tell, Rev E dates from late 2006 onward. It has the four MN3008 chips rather than the 2 MN3005 for what it’s worth. I bought it in late 2007.

    – I was unaware of these models – my question is, without popping the back off – how can you tell?
    DMM REV E version – are all tru bypass REV E?
    is this one a two chip of four chip?
    auction ONE

    and what about this one? it says it’s a hardwired one

    auction two hardwired

    The EH Man

    You can’t tell w/o looking at the circuit board.
    The Rev D is when they went to MN3008 BBDs, I believe. The board is made to use either those or MN3005.
    The early ones didn’t have true bypass. The later ones used a relay to do true bypass.


    champion, t6hanks for the info

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