Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DMM reissue big box , far from 550 ms !

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    it is not directed at him directly (i wrote ” if i follow you, the advertizing…” i clearly talk about EH but as the designer he is involved at some level even if he ‘s not the person to complain to ) as it seems MR Davis doesn’t work for EH anymore but as he designed it i suppose he might be able to answer my tech questions :

    is the tolerance , due to the chips or something else (like pots perhaps ) ?

    and also by the way, how much mA does it draw ?

    i can’t easily send it to Mr Davis (i’m in France) as i would pay nearly the same amount i paid for it to have it shipped both ways and serviced whereas i already paid much for it and it should have the delay time as advertized , right out of the box.

    i don’t think it’s really honnest to sell a delay unit and advertize it for 550 ms when it’s barely 400 ms !
    many people would not buy it if they knew they would not be able to use it with the delay time they need; they sure would buy something else.

    Howard Davis
    electricsky, please bear in mind that while Mr Davis designed the deluxe memory man he does not work for EHX anymore, and he has never (as far as I’m aware) worked in the advertising department, so your demands for “i just want what i paid for” should not be directed at him but to EHX via their email. (if you so wish) Mr Davis does independent repairs and upgrades on some EHX pedals and will offer them to you as service if you wish to use them, but clearly he is not responsible for warranty repairs, or customer dissatisfaction with any EHX products, those should be taken up with your dealer or EHX directly. I’m just making this clear as it seems you might be thinking otherwise.

    … that said, Howard is a valued member of this forum and I’m sure he will give you honest advise and help in anyway he can.

    Thank you for this response on my behalf.
    There are a few components that determine the maximum delay time in the DMM. The greatest unit-to-unit variations exist in the DELAY control pot, which has a +/-20% tolerance, and the clock chip itself. While the present circuit configuration is vulnerable to delay time variations, it has the advantage of being able to produce the beautifully liquid-sounding chorus the DMM is known for. I can extend the delay time to as much as a second, but above 650 msec or so noticeable aliasing distortion occurs, and above 750 msec or so most people find it intolerable.


    Edit: I see I was typing the same time as Howard!!

    I understand the position you are in, I’m in the UK so it wouldn’t be worth it for me either. :)

    But I don’t really know what else to suggest other than contacting EHX directly with a complaint or returning it to where you bought it, it clearly doesn’t do what you need it to do so they might let you return it for something that does.

    I agree that advertising the DMM as ‘up to 550ms’ is a bit misleading if all units are around 400 ms, but I don’t know if this is the case or not. The DMM has been around for a long time and maybe there are plenty around that get over 500ms and maybe you were unlucky…. I honestly don’t know. I’m sure EHX would say “well it says ‘up to’ 550ms” not “550ms” so I don’t know if there is a case to answer there or not, it would seem to depend on your interpretation of the text.

    anyway, I’m sorry but I really don’t know what to suggest other than writing an email to EHX to express your disapointment and maybe ask them about the way they advertise the pedal and what they are going to do about it, the staff of EHX very rarely post in these forums, so waiting for a reply here might not be the best solution. The large majority on this forum (including the admin) are just ordinary people around the world who have no direct contact with the company at all.

    all the best Mel


    thanks for your answer, Mr Davis and Electro-melx.
    yes, that’s right that this delay sounds nice .
    vintage type delay that degrades the repeats in a nice way , a bit like an old tape delay i suppose (as i never heard one in direct) .

    when you say the delay control pot, do you mean the delay time pot (or a trim pot inside ?
    i suppose it’s the delay time pot .

    and for the clock chips, i suppose you talk about the 2x MN chips (or 4X MN chips in the later model) ?

    i didn’t know there was a noticeable tolerance in those chips (i have to say i don’t really know those parts as i’m more used to repair or build my vintage / vintage type guitar tube amps and a few simple fuzz pedals and wah’s for my recording studio ).

    i don’t think i was just unlucky or Mr Davies and Analogman or others wouldn’t propose some ” standard” mods for those DMM pedals .
    this mod seems to be a common analogman mod prposed on his website.
    also, most guitarists don’t know precisely how much ms delay time they have as they don’t measure it (or don’t know how to ).
    before i recorded it and watched the waveforms in my Logic pro software, comparing with a tc delay with wich i could select the ms precisely, i didn’t know how much time i had !
    i just felt it was quiet short for a 550 ms delay.

    when they say “up to 500ms” it means you can go from a short delay time UP to 550 ms (or at least 449ms !) .

    i would be happy if i could get 550 ms, it would be enough for me (even if 600 would be nice as well ! LOL).


    after reading this whole thread, i’m french too and i also would like to know how the delay time could be extended because i have 2 “classic chassis” DMMs and they don’t have the same max delay time. the one with the shortest is the oldest (chicken-head pots + external power supply) and apparently has been gigged a lot or pretty mistreated, and i also have other problems such as lower signal output with the effect on (echo out) than bypassed (the output signal being driven by the level pot, thus not true-bypass modified) that i could deal with by doing a little AB-switch mod on it (since there is little room in it, around the switch) but i don’t want to change anything like that so that it would keep its value and i wouldn’t want to add an AB-box to it or to my pedal board.

    i don’t mind this older unit not being true-bypass, some people might say “it colours your signal” and… what are effects for anyway!? but it is really not convenient that the output level, even the level of the direct signal before repeats, is lower when effect engaged. i read on some random forums that it may be something quite (@electricsky “quiet” veut dire silencieux ;] ) common since many people seem to (have) encounter(ed) this problem.

    fact is that i spent around 1000€ in electro harmonix effects since december 09 (HOG, polychorus, holiest grail, 1980s deluxe memory man) and that i am a musician currently unemployed, which i know is kind of stupid but now it is spent so i have to deal with it, and i really cannot afford to ship a pedal to the US, then pay for any repair + handling and then an other shipment back to france, not forgetting about the travel of the pedal overseas back and forth certainly wouldn’t be what’s best for the components’ life.
    i could find a scope and a generator to borrow but i don’t know what to check with it, thus i’m very interested in what could be done!
    i can understand it is a way of earning money for several people here, so i could understand that they may not want to teach us how to achieve it ourselves so that anyone could do it alone after that, but i am still asking this as a favour, if someone was willing to tell me (and also electricsky) privately by email (i could give my personal email address), i would keep the information to myself if requested.

    thank you anyway for this!

    ps: electricsky, si tu veux les schémas de circuits de pédales tu tapes schematics et le nom de la pédale dans google et en général tu trouves ce que tu veux. ceux du deluxe memory man sont dispo sur plein de sites (des fois payants)


    ok, thanks.
    i suppose that using a pot with more resistence would increase the delay time

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