Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DMM Classic gone wierdly microphonic?

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  • #79076

    Hi all,

    Today I’ve noticed a very odd overtone when the Deluxe Memory Man (old style box) is switched on – actually sounds halfway between radio interference and feedback, and only happens on the repeat. Also, when I adjust the delay time it makes a sound like retuning an old AM radio.
    I’ve ruled out (by swapping) the guitar, the amp, the pedals, the cables and the extension socket.

    Any suggestions/similar experiences?

    All help gratefully received.



    The EH Man
    Hi all,

    Today I’ve noticed a very odd overtone when the Deluxe Memory Man (old style box) is switched on – actually sounds halfway between radio interference and feedback, and only happens on the repeat.

    Normal occurrence when applying power to the delay ICs.

    Also, when I adjust the delay time it makes a sound like retuning an old AM radio.
    I’ve ruled out (by swapping) the guitar, the amp, the pedals, the cables and the extension socket.

    Also a normal occurrence when changing the delay time.


    Thanks for the prompt reply – my concern is that in 10 years of operation the pedal hasn’t done this before :/

    It’s a definite sort-of-metallic, sounds-like-something’s-wrong sound. Initially I thought it was a tube problem in the amp but it happens in the other amp and only on the delay effect.


    I’ve worked out what the problem was, and am equal parts embarrassed and relieved.

    Turns out the chorus/vibrato switch was *somehow* balanced halfway (this is actually quite tricky to do deliberately), and the pedal understandably doesn’t like this.

    So it’s now all tickety-boo.

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