Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Difference between the Slammi and Slammi Plus?

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    Aside from the obvious physical rocking vs. traditional cradle design, what is the difference between these two pedals. It looks like EHX discontinued the Slammi and replaced it with the Slammi plus? Does anyone have any experience with the original Slammi pedal? Was there a problem with it that prompted EHX to discontinue it?

    Really want to get one but unsure of which edition to get now.


    The old Slammi was discontinued as people did not bond with the pedal action.

    So we released the plus version in a standard foot pedal with some added features like X-Fade.
    Here is the manual to see all the features:



    Thanks so much! Really appreciated.:-)


    I own the Slammi, and a few other Next Step pedals. I like them. I have a cradle for each one which keeps the pedals stationary, otherwise they tend to “worm” around a little.

    The Slammi is able to add one interval, either up or down in pitch, to the original signal. The original signal has a volume/mix control so it can be removed. The Plus is able to add one interval above and one below the original signal.

    I didn’t go with the Plus because the NS pedals are “built like tanks.” However they all require power, even the EXP, Pan, and Volume.

    I own the Slammi, and a few other Next Step pedals. I like them. I have a cradle for each one which keeps the pedals stationary, otherwise they tend to “worm” around a little.

    The Slammi is able to add one interval, either up or down in pitch, to the original signal. The original signal has a volume/mix control so it can be removed. The Plus is able to add one interval above and one below the original signal.

    I didn’t go with the Plus because the NS pedals are “built like tanks.” However they all require power, even the EXP, Pan, and Volume.

    Thanks iOS. Yes, I didn’t realize from the on-line pics but the Slammi Plus is entirely made of plastic! And no activation (on/off) light so you have to guess on stage if its on or not. That’s pretty bad. It just oozes cheap low quality and I would be very hesitant to use it on stage anyway. It appears really fragile, maybe good for bedroom use only. Doesn’t really matter how good a pedal sounds if it isn’t designed to be durable for working musician use. Very disappointed in EHX for the very cheap build quality of the Slammi Plus – it really is just a toy from that perspective. I will be passing on the Pus pedal and maybe seek out the original if I can find a good deal on one now that the’re discontinued.


    I paid $80 for mine, NOS from an authorized dealer back in April. The cradle was another $15.

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