Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Memory Man Power cord mod

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    Just bought an older classic chassis DMM Circa 2006. It has the hardwired, 3 prong power cable. I’ve heard rumor that this can be a potential noise problem and that’s why EHX started making these pedals with the the detachable walwart power supply later on in the following DMM productions. I won’t know for sure unitl the pedal arrives and I try it out though.

    Can anyone shed some light on this topic for me? Is the 3 prong hardwired power cord desirable or should I have it modded for detachable barrell plug use (24v voltage combiner using 2 outlets) to use with my Voo Doo pedal power 2+ supply.

    Right now I’m just planning on plugging the cable into the extra 3 prong AC outlet on my pedal power.




    The EH Man

    I’m pretty sure EH went to wall-warts for a couple of reasons, none of them being noise issues.

    1) You can just throw an AC adapter in the box for whatever country you’re shipping to. No keeping multiple transformers/AC plugs around and having to wire them up. As long as you’ve got a correct AC adapter, you can ship them anywhere.

    2) No UL testing required if your device doesn’t plug directly into the AC.

    Replacing the transformer w/ a wall-wart is a relatively simple operation. You remove the AC transformer and attach your DC wires to the pads where the transformer went. Since it’s DC, it’ll drop a few volts going through the diode bridge but not enough to cause problems.

    That being said, if it’s not a problem for you to plug it in w/ the original Ac cord, I’d leave it alone. In the future it’ll make it more valuable.


    This is music to my ears. Yay for not having to do extra work. Thanks for the reply and info.


    I have an older deluxe memory man with a two prong cord. I have seen rumors on the interwebs that these have grounding and noise issues. did ehx discontinue use of the two prong cords because of noise issues or safety concerns? also would removing the internal transformer and installing a jack for a 24v power adapter reduce noise? I note that wall warts only have two plugs as well.

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