Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe memory man loud crackle noise

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    Hi I have had a deluxe memory man for many years and I love this pedal, however lately it has been acting squirrelly. I’m having noise issues, not the usual one about white noise or a hiss that every else is talking about but like an extremely loud intermittent crackle / static / thunder type sound. I’ve played with the parameters and can’t quite figure on what it could be, I’ve also opened it up and stared at the pcbs for a while, that didn’t help either. I really love this pedal and would rather fix it than buy one of those cheap ebay delays so any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


    You are best to contact service. It maybe out of alignment AND is not a thing you can just adjust with a screwdriver.

    Please contact service at info@ehx.com 9-5pm NYC time.
    They can fix it fast and cheap!


    Thanks appreciate it


    Ryan, did you get this fixed? I have a deluxe memory that I just love and it also have a very annoying and loud crackling noise – it goes away when the blend is turn fully counter clockwise (making it useless). I will call the EHX service tomorrow.
    BTW….I also bought a memory man nano, and it is pretty good, but small knobs and just does not seem to have the same smooth range across the delay and depth the old 24V deluxe has -SO I WANT TO GET IT FIXED (crying)….

    let me know how your saga turned out please.



    Mark Its best to write service.


    The intermittent crackling and static sounds could be caused by various factors, such as faulty components, loose connections, or even a grounding issue. Since you’ve already tried adjusting parameters and inspected the PCBs, I recommend seeking assistance from a qualified pedal technician. They have the expertise to diagnose and repair the specific problem, allowing you to continue enjoying your beloved pedal for years to come.

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