Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Memory Boy Ticking

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    Recent purchaser of a DMB. Loving it greatly, but I did notice at band practice the other night, a fair bit of ticking when the amp is under high gain – at first I thought the boost and/or distortion before the DMB might be contributing, but it seems to occur in concert with high gain after the DMB rather than before. Although, I didn’t think my amp was that much of a gain-monster. The ticking is in time with the tap tempo setting, obviously.

    I’ve built a few tremolos and modulation pedals in my day, so I know how it can be with LFOs and ticking. Finally kicked one of my favorite trems off the gigging board because it sounded like a helicopter. This isn’t nearly as bad, and can mostly be mitigated by not having the amps dirty channel on when I’m not playing.

    Is this an issue other folks are having? I’m using the power supply that came with the pedal for that pedal. (It’s on it’s own power supply). Other pedals are plugged into a Gator G-Bus for power, except the EHX HOG on the power supply that came with it, and a battery-powered boss tuner pedal.

    I have not tried eliminating other pedals/power supplies from the mix (will do that next week) but thought I’d see if others were having this issue, and if anything mitigated it. It’s not a deal breaker for me, but if there is anything I can do to minimize it, that’d be great. Should I play with location or cable routing? Any ideas?



    I’m thinking that I must have been using my G-Bus power supply at that first practice and not remembered it; I made a point of using the supplied power supply at my next practice and had no issues with ticking. So it was either a case of needing better power supply isolation, or the lay of the audio and power cables; I’m not sure which, but last practice I had no issues with ticking. Just thought I’d add this info in case anyone stumbled upon this thread.

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