Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Memory Boy – no sound

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    Hey, I managed to get mine working. It was doing my head in.

    1. Australia (where I am) runs on 240VAC. The PSU supplied had input of only 100VAC, so the PSU supplied was effectively useless for international usage.
    2. I tried a number of generic chargers, 9V @ 500mA, 800mA and 1000mA.
    3. These PSU’s powered other pedals perfectly fine. Not the DMB – had the issues above. Thought the unit was faulty
    4. When I was in the US recently, I brought the DMB with me to do an easy return. Whilst there, I did a quick test, using the PSU that came with the unit – ‘VOILA’ it worked fine.
    5. Came back to OZ, and got a 9v 200mA regulated PSU and got it working.
    6. The next week after playing with it a little, realised I didnt even like it after all that – I sold it in favour fo the Digitech Timebender (best. delay. ever).

    Hope this helps

    My new less-than-a-month old DMM Tap Tempo is doing the same thing! I can’t hear the beeping clock noise, but there is no delay coming out. The blend knob controls how much dry signal is coming out, but no wet signal comes out. Gain knob seems to work fine, but everything else I can’t even tell.

    I’m about to send in for warranty repair I believe, but can someone please help!

    Did the DMMTT work initially and now it doesn’t? If so, it’s very possible one of the BBD chips came loose from their socket. You can try pushing all of the BBD chips back into their sockets.


    I am having the same issues with a brand new DMB…. could you please help me out and tell me how you got yours working?
    Yesterday it was working fine…, today only the LED’s are on, and the blend and gain knobs only work…


    snap! mine doesn’t work, but i bought it second hand. I’ve reseated the BBD’s, and to no avail! Im using it with the original power supply, and I’ve tried it with a 1-spot, and still no joy. Please, somebody, give me some heavenly advice!


    pretty please, ehx gods?


    Hello guys,

    I have the same problem! but my pedal used to work fine until one friend on a gig put 9V AC to the pedal…

    Same status, led ok, nobs ok, dry signal ok, but no delay at all!

    I’m trying on replacing the 3208A but i have no idea how to ask for it on the electronic store, or what is this component. If you have some idea of what can replace 3208A please let me know to make the work on my pedal an tell you guys if this works!

    Greetings from Tijuana!


    You may have blown the power section only.
    Please contact service they can help you.

    9-5 M-F NYC time

    You may have blown the power section only.
    Please contact service they can help you.

    9-5 M-F NYC time

    They told me this:

    “Hello. If you need repair the unit will have to come here to NYC. As per the previous email we do not have technical support so all units must be sent in.

    Personally I don’t think sending the pedal to NYC is just not affordable for me :(

    I think i’ll just buy another pedal :(

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