Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Memory Boy – no sound

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  • #81857

    Hey ther EHX,

    PLease forgive a forum and EHX noob, but i have just had a EHX DMB shipped from the US to me in Australia, brand new, along with a new geranium 4 Muff pedal.

    The muff pedal works great, with battery, and with my power supply (9v 1A)

    The DMB has issues though – when blend is on full, i get no sound at all, and when i turn blend down, the dry signal comes through fine. all the lights work fine and the Tap Divide and Exp. Mode buttons seem to work fine. just no delay, which is kind of why i wanted the pedal!!

    I cant figure it out. I have read on these forums that i should use the power supply that came twith the Pedal, but the power pack supplied is for 120v, and australia runs on 240v so if i plugged it in, it would blow the power pack.

    instead, im using a generic power supply 9v 1A. This same power pack perfectly powers a boss flanger, an MXR analog chorus, and the EHX Geranium 4, so im pretty sure that its not the supply.

    i took a photo of the insides to see if anything had come loose in shipping and nothing was apparent – there were 2 spaces toward the bottom of the circuit board that looked like something should be there, but nothing loose and i didnt touch anything. I have linked the photo if you need.


    PLease me know if you have any suggestions


    The EH Man

    Make sure the small board with the delay ICs is seated properly. You might try pressing it down or removing it and putting it back in (carefully).


    wow, that was the fastest reply ever!

    could you point me in the right direction on the photo?


    The EH Man

    The small board with the trimpots and the 3208A chips on it. Don’t try to adjust the trimpots.


    carefully unscrewed and replaced. no joy.

    no delay!

    when i turn up all the knobs you can hear a beeping coming through my amp. the osciliting rate changes when i turn the depth knob. the pitch changes when i adjust the delay knob. the tab seems to work. but noy guitar signal coming through. All of this was happening earlier.


    carefully unscrewed and replaced. no joy.

    no delay!

    when i turn up all the knobs you can hear a beeping coming through my amp. the osciliting rate changes when i turn the depth knob. the pitch changes when i adjust the delay knob. the tab seems to work. but noy guitar signal coming through. All of this was happening earlier.


    Sounds like your clock’s working then.

    Have you tried making sure those 4 chips are properly seated themselves? Make sure to ground yourself when you do it.


    Everything seems pretty snug on that circuit. Its like as soon as the pedall engages, eiter the input does not connect to the delay signal path, or the wet signal does not connect to the output jack. I cant check under the main circuit board asit all seems locked down.


    if you’re hearing clock noise, wouldn’t the wet signal be connected to the output jack?


    I suppose, but there is no guitar coming through at all when blend is up full, just the clock beeps.

    The EH Man

    Any chance of a beep sound file? Generally the delay portion works or it doesn’t work.


    I recorded this vid demonstrating the problem (with sound)



    hey guys, any thoughts on this one?


    ok dude, here’s your problem, the memory boy and deluxe memory boy are wire up so that the blend knob when turned all the way totally eliminates the dry signal, and when its all the way down, eliminated the whole wet signal, different from other delays, just keep it somewhere in the middle

    and also the beeping is cause you have the depth on the way on square wave form which is not your typical delay, keep that at 12 for standard delay, and for a tad of NORMAL modulation turn it a bit to the left, if you want it wacky anywhere over half on either side


    Thanks OPIV, but there is no delayed wet signal AT ALL, regardless of where I put the blend knob.
    If the blend is 100% wet, you should be able to hear a delayed signal. There is nothing.

    I kept the wave on square just so I could demonstrate that the delay circuit appears to work (so you can hear the beeps).

    As long as the blend knob is not 100% dry, there should be some delay effect audible through the amp. There is none. This is the problem. The unit just doesnt work, and is about as useful as a paperweight at present.

    Can someone from EHX please respond to this.


    My new less-than-a-month old DMM Tap Tempo is doing the same thing! I can’t hear the beeping clock noise, but there is no delay coming out. The blend knob controls how much dry signal is coming out, but no wet signal comes out. Gain knob seems to work fine, but everything else I can’t even tell.

    I’m about to send in for warranty repair I believe, but can someone please help!

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