Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Memory Boy/Effects Loop

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    I just got the DMB today and I have a question. I mounted the pedal on my board and although it sounds awesome, I can’t figure out how to get it to “interact” with my other pedals. I know the pedal has an effects loop built in. How do I get it to function with, and be effected by, my other pedals. My signal chain goes Boss tuner, EHX Holy Grail reverb, Line 6 Space Chorus, Ibanez Delay/Echo, EHX DMB, Line 6 Echo Park. I use the effcts loop built into my pedal board and the effects loop on my amp for all of them. I have a feeling this is where my problem lies.


    Try putting the reverb or chorus in the fx loop of the DMB. Each repeat from the DMB will become more verb’d/chorus’d. However, what ever you put in the fx loop will only effect the delay repeats, not your dry signal. I really like the Freeze in the fx loop. But I’ve had good times with my Whammy/POG2/HOG in the loop as well;)



    I was originally going to get the Freeze but they were out of stock. The DMB caught my eye and I got super stoked on it. I will definitely be getting the Freeze at some point, though. Thanks for your suggestions!

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