Home Forums Vintage EHX Deluxe Big Muff transformer

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    Hi. I just rescued a Deluxe Big Muff (first version with blend switch) from the trash (yay). It is missing the power supply, which is supposed to be a 9V-0V-9V transformer. I could use two 9V through the screw holes – in fact, it looks like that is what the last owner was doing, but it’s really annoying.

    This looks like it will fit the size profile (~45mm hole to hole):


    But I’m not sure what it needs for current. The 166B18 only provides 60ma per 9V line. The pedal ultimately seems to use +-5V after the regulator. I’m not really sure what the actual pedal requirements are or what the regulator’s requirements are (which I think would be more important – or maybe because the voltage is higher coming in, I don’t need to think like that?)

    Anyway, to the point – does anyone know if this dual 60mA from the two 9V feeds will be enough to power this pedal?

    I’m also curious about the export history of this (and other EH pedals). Is it possible that these were sold with dual 9V inputs for the european market? (I’m in Sweden) (I still want a 120V primary on the transformer though).

    Link to the schematic:


    Thanks – DT

    The EH Man

    60mA should be plenty.


    Hi Ron,

    Thanks so much for the info. I’ll order one and try it out.




    Just reporting back that the transformer mentioned above physically fits the chassis and appears to power the circuit OK. I did notice one weird thing: When I lift the output side of the 5554N IC and connect the control pin and -Vout (pins 11 and 12), I do get the correct +/-5.0V on on the output pins 14 and 11. However, these outputs drop to +/- 3.5V when the IC is fully in circuit. Also, it takes a moment for the compression and/or fuzz effects to kick in when I switch it on. I don’t know if this is my switch or a sign that I am pulling too much current for this transformer. I need to try another switch…

    Alain Number 9
    Just reporting back that the transformer mentioned above physically fits the chassis and appears to power the circuit OK. I did notice one weird thing: When I lift the output side of the 5554N IC and connect the control pin and -Vout (pins 11 and 12), I do get the correct +/-5.0V on on the output pins 14 and 11. However, these outputs drop to +/- 3.5V when the IC is fully in circuit. Also, it takes a moment for the compression and/or fuzz effects to kick in when I switch it on. I don’t know if this is my switch or a sign that I am pulling too much current for this transformer. I need to try another switch…

    Hello there ! I’ve got the same problem on my pedal (but I m in France so it would be some 220v in for a 9v out
    what sort of transformer do you think I must have to use ?

    thanks a lot


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