Home Forums Vintage EHX Deluxe big muff problems.

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  • #83699

    I recently bought a Deluxe big muff pi (the old “blend” version). It is in great condition and worked perfectly. Went and turned it on the other day and suddenly it’s not working properly… Had only been playing it for about five days.

    What happens when i stomp it is: I can hear the fuzz and compressor still working but when i start to play the output just dives down to nothing and comes back up again when i stop playing. When it’s bypassed it’s bypassed I have output.

    This is the first time on of my pedals has been having trouble, so I haven’t got much experience in pedal repairs. I do know how to solder properly and all that. Checked the soldering and they seemed fine. No loose cables either.

    Would be really grateful if someone could help me solve this problem.

    // Alexander Holstner


    Just a poor guess, since you have nothing to lose; if you can turn down the compressor, is the fuzz fine? The compressor part may be faulty, and clamping down your signal. Visit this site; http://eu11.stripper.jp/pulcino/blog/archives/cat_electroharmonix_deluxe_bigmuff.html get an idea of the layout and a schematic. One section is likely at fault, so try just the fuzz. Then go to the Soul Preacher section, and troubleshoot. I hope this helps at least a little.

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