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    I want to buy a delay, I want to use it only on stage, what do you suggest? The deluxe memory man or stereo memory man with hazarai. What is the difference ? Just more gadgets? Or is there a difference in sound?


    from Belgium


    hi! those two pedals are totally different

    the main difference is in the sound – SMMH is digital delay, DMM is an analog delay. there are of course “more gadgets” on the SMMH as you say, but i think the most important difference for you is the sound


    There are enormous differences between the two. As darkaxel says, they sound very different. For me, in a live setting the SMMH is the one. I have mine set up with all of the presets I need for my performance, which saves me from fiddling with my pedalboard mid set.


    I personally prefer the sound of analog delays. I owned the Stereo Memory Man w/Harazai briefly, but returned it because it unmistakeably sounded digital. A deal breaker for me. The disadvantage to analog delays is that there’s usually not an option for tap tempo, no looping capabilities, no presets, etc. They’re also more expensive.

    You need to decide whether tone or convenience are more important to you. There is a very noticeable difference in the sound of analog and digital delays. Tone is more important to me.

    There are analog delays with tap tempo, for example the Diamond Memory Lane. It costs $600.


    get either the DMM or the Memory Boy.


    I agree with the above. You may not be as averse to the sonic characteristics of digital delay though. Try out both analog and digital delays, and decide for yourself.

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