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  • #80314


    I am a bassist, and I cut my teeth on effects with a NYC Muff. EHX opened up the world and possibilities of effects for me, and for that you certainly have my eternal gratitude and hero worship. To this day, I have two Sovtek Biff Muffs on my board…a “Civil War” and the traditional staple of bassist, the Green Russian Muff. These will never leave.

    Every time you release new pedals, I hold my breath in anticipation. The Bass Muff was a pleasant surprise, and I am soon to get a Enigma. Usually there is no disappointment. Sometime though nothing gets me excited.

    So if I may humbly place one thought in your mind: will you ever reissue a Muff based upon the Civil War Sovtek circuit? A 9 volt true bypass version would be excellent. This is my favorite of all the muffs as a bassist, and also loved by the Pink Floyd fans as well. The natural bass on my pedal naturally cuts so well in a live setting without the use of a dry signal.

    Just wondering if this idea has ever been visited.



    Dear EHX,

    I am a guitarist and I use the Big Muff w/tone wicker and a Russian Muff. Recently my apartment building burnt down. They were only able to save a few of my things. Three weeks after the fire they return my stuff to me and what do I see? A beaten and burned big muff. I thought there was little hope of it ever working. On a whim I took it home and plugged it in and IT STILL WORKS! I will always use EHX Pedals from now on. Thanks

    -Bobby Michael


    dear ehx,
    give me more pedals

    Dear EHX,

    I am a guitarist and I use the Big Muff w/tone wicker and a Russian Muff. Recently my apartment building burnt down. They were only able to save a few of my things. Three weeks after the fire they return my stuff to me and what do I see? A beaten and burned big muff. I thought there was little hope of it ever working. On a whim I took it home and plugged it in and IT STILL WORKS! I will always use EHX Pedals from now on. Thanks

    -Bobby Michael

    Cool story, do you have a pic of it?


    Yeah, I can upload a pic later


    Here is a pic I cleaned it up some, the sustain knob is broken off. It still sounds awesome, I just use a screwdriver to adjust the sustain. EHX pedals really are the best!

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