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  • #80749

    Your product line is so diverse that a generalized “dealer locator” is completely useless.

    Your website lists 31 dealers matching my ZIP code. Yet, there doesn’t seem to be a single EH 2880 for sale in all of Los Angeles.

    I want to buy a 2880. I need to buy a 2880. And I live in one of the largest cities on the planet. Why is it so DIFFICULT for me to spend my money on an Electro-Harmonix product? When a company makes me jump through hoops to give them my money, I lose interest very quickly.

    It’s the 21st century. The technology exists for your website to be able to tell me WHICH products are stocked by WHICH dealers. I don’t need a quartet of EL84 tubes. I don’t need a Big Muff. I need 2880. Where can I go to buy one?

    The fact that you don’t seem to know is disheartening.



    Get one online.

    You might very well live in one of ‘the biggest cities on the planet’, but I live in the middle of nowhere in the North East corner of England and I’ve got dozens of companies queueing up to send me their EHX products – offering next day delivery and excellent customer service as well as being cheaper than my local ‘dealer’.

    I don’t understand your problem.


    It’s the 21st century, the technology exists… it’s called ‘google shopping’ :D


    I must have forgotten to mention that I’d like to pay with cash, for reasons that aren’t really relevant to my complaint.

    Online shopping is obviously a perfectly valid workaround, but it doesn’t address the uselessness of the dealer locator function.

    It lists a dealer, but they only sell tubes. It lists another dealer, but they only sell the Memory Man. Etc. etc. This is not a useful function to the consumer.



    most dealers dont carry a full line of a specific company’s products, sumtimes only one of each pedal until its sold then they reorder it.

    if you find a local official dealer, and they dont have the item you want in store (2880 in your case) they can and will be more than willing to order it in for you!! just ask your local dealer!

    The EH Man

    I don’t know of any other companies that offer that service so there’s no reason to single out EHX for not having it.

    That being said, send me the cash and I’ll ship you one.


    There’s a perfectly good reason to single out EHX: It was their product I wanted, had cash in hand to pay for, and couldn’t find.

    There’s lots of shithole hotels out there, but I only complain about the ones I end up staying in.


    The EH Man
    There’s a perfectly good reason to single out EHX: It was their product I wanted, had cash in hand to pay for, and couldn’t find.

    There’s lots of shithole hotels out there, but I only complain about the ones I end up staying in.


    I guess your only recourse is to send a check or money order to somewhere that does have it in stock. Be sure to tell your local stores you did so because they didn’t carry it.
    OTOH, they would probably order it for you if you asked.

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