Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Dead Lumberjack!

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    Hi, a friend has just given me his dead Lumberjack pedal. He told me he connected it to a 48v power supply and it stopped working. I’ve just tried it: the clean/bypass signal gets through fine, and the power LED lights up when you activate the switch. But there’s no effect signal at all. Is this fixable? Is there a specific component that might’ve been blown/overloaded, that I (or someone better qualified!) can replace? Thanks, Sebastian


    If there’s a fusible resistor in there it can be fixed, but in those cases the led usually doesn’t come on and nothing but the bypass works.

    Otherwise it will be hard. But it can be a fun challenge if you like doing this kind of stuff.
    Apart from a few caps it’s all smd…

    I see it costs around 70 euros new. It will cost (a lot) more than that to get it repaired by a technician.
    Maybe you can post some clear photos of the pcb?

    Here’s a blurry one I found online.


    Well, unless there’s some form of over voltage protection (possible, but there’s no schematic to say with any certainty) I would suspect it’s super dead… I doubt the electro caps are rated to take 50V, op amps generally have a 36V max rating, even most standard transistors aren’t rated to take that much.

    But as flanders said, a photo might help, I think I spot a ICL7660 in there so perhaps it has zener protection which will probably be quite clearly blackened if the supply was in there for any period of time.


    Thanks for the replys guys. Here’s a photo of my pedal. Unfortunately the forum limits picture size to under 75kb. So I doubt my pic will be any use. I’ll post some better quality pics on my blog, and put a link here.


    As I’m unable to post a useful image here, due to file-size constraints, here’s a link to one of my blogs, where I’ve posted better quality images:

    Music: Fried Lumberjack


    Thanks, but that photo is not really helping a lot:

    By clear photo, I actually meant something like this: (just an example photo of my ehx Worm)
    https://i.postimg.cc/zzjcM6RR/DSC06906.jpg%5Dexample photo

    That way, we can zoom in on the components, like this:


    Which photo are you referring to? The one I posted here? If so, as I stated above, I’m unable to post anything useful: I get a message saying attachments must be smaller than 75kb! Or are you referring to the photos I posted and linked to on my blog? They should be significantly better. But perhaps you’re saying that even those aren’t clear enough? Can you clarify please.


    The first photo in my previous post comes from your blog.


    please contact service at info@ehx.com
    they can fix that FAST and cheap!

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