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    What is this I hear about a mod to the Russian Big Muff called the Creamy Dreamer mod, which makes it sound like the Siamese Dream sound? There is probably an obvious answer to this question but I’ve only just heard of this.



    there’s some info here in the ehx mods thread, check it out it… would probably only cost you a few dollars in parts.


    BTW, Billy Corgan didn’t use modded pedals, as far as the records show the Muffs in siamese dream are standard USA Big Muff PI’s…so I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the hype.


    Kevin Demuth
    BTW, Billy Corgan didn’t use modded pedals, as far as the records show the Muffs in siamese dream are standard USA Big Muff PI’s…so I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the hype.

    :thumb: the tones on Siamese Dream were combinations of effects; the Big Muff was just one tool that the Pumpkins used.
    that’s not to say the Creamy Dreamer mod DOESN’T get close to the sounds on Siamese Dream.

    also, i may be wrong, but i’m pretty sure the Creamy Dreamer wasn’t introduced until 1997 – Siamese Dream came out in 1993.

    Ned Flanders

    Yeah the story that corgan used a CD BMP is a lie, the guy that came up with the CD mod told an outright lie about it to build hype and sell his modded BMP’s. There’s a whole big thread on DIYSTOMPBOXES about the story and the facts of it.


    For Siamese Dream Billy Corgan likely used a stock V4 op-amp Big Muff, based on the graphics and sustain knob position, through a Marshall JCM 800 100 watt head loaded with KT88 China tubes. Almost all the heavy (Siamese Dream) tracks were recorded through this, solos included.

    I have a pic of Billy’s V4 Muff and some quotes from him about it in the V4 Muff section here.

    Ned Flanders

    People should just quit trying to sound like so and so and find their own sound and pedals via experimentation, thats my two cents anyways!


    i second that notion!!!!!

    People should just quit trying to sound like so and so and find their own sound and pedals via experimentation, thats my two cents anyways!

    That would all depend on what a person was looking for from other peoples gear and tone. This is more about puzzle solving for me, as I am a collector of Muff info and don’t play SP songs. I got my own sound over twenty years ago when I started playing guitar and when I had a band (all original songs) and could care less about sounding like anyone else. These days I look at figuring out other peoples exact gear and tones as a puzzle that is enormous fun to solve, especially in the Muff arena.

    Since you bring up cloning others people sounds…some people who just play cover songs, or are in tribute bands, are looking to sound as much like a certain artists as possible, and want to have the exact gear that particular artist had. They may have no desire, or skill, to create their own sound. Nothing wrong with that. Then there are the majority of novice home players and beginners who do this as a hobby and desire to have a certain “sound” as a starting point. Many have no frame of reference for “their” own sound and learn by emulating others. A small group of those will take those tonal influences and one day have their own sound that spins out of it, and hopefully play in a band. Evey major guitarist I have ever listened to has cited a certain artists they grew up with as people they emulated when they were younger, though none of them sounded much like those influences once they became successful. Everyone takes their cues from all the experience playing and influences from listening to others, then your brain mixes that all together and spits out your own thing. So I encourage beginners to emulate and learn from all of their favorite artists.


    yeah, right, find your own sound, but maybe you want to sound LIKE ‘x’ because that sound is close to the sound that guy wants. (I understand my own nonsense :lol:)

    btw, I want to mod my russian bmp, I need to get myself together and do it.

    For Siamese Dream Billy Corgan simply used a stock V4 op-amp Big Muff through a Marshall JCM 800 100 watt head loaded with KT88 China tubes. Almost all the heavy (Siamese Dream) tracks were recorded through this, solos included.

    I have a pic of Billy’s V4 Muff and some quotes from him about it in the V4 Muff section here.

    AWESOME site!!!

    I love Corgans’ tone from those days, but it isn’t the supreme tone for me. It is similar to what I want though.

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