Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Couple of POG2 questions

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    I’m gonna be getting myself a Pog2 soon, and I had a couple questions:

    1) I read the online instruction manual and it says not to use it with another power supply, only the one included, but can you power a POG2 with a visual one spot daisy chain?

    2) How about with a voodoo lab pedal power 2 plus?

    3) Lastly whereabouts in the signal chain should the Pog2 go? My signal chain is
    Boss TU3 tuner >> Big muff pi w/ tone wicker >> Crybaby >> Line 6 Filter modeler >> GE7 Equalizer >> PS5 Super shifter >> MXR Carbon copy >> Digitech JamMan Solo.
    I was thinking either after the FM4 or after the equalizer.

    Thanks in advance guys.


    1) i was using it powered by the gator g-bus 8 (kind of a dunlop’s dc brick clone), with some low ground noise (due to grounding problems), but recently it started to get whacky (my big muffs started to make a lot of noise if the pog was connected to the gbus, even on bypass) and since then ive only been using the power supply included with the pedal with no noise. so, to try to answer your question, i dont think it will run alright with the 1spot, i think it will be noisy, BUT it is possible to power it as long as you have some spare mA (the pog probably consumes around 200 mA, so if the other pedals dont consume all the 1spot mA, it will work)

    2) from what ive read, youll definitely have no problems (provided you have the spare mA)

    3) id put the pog before the big muff, but only because the volume gets uncontrollable at times when both are on. if youre not calculating everything you do, you get surprise loud sounds (could be solved though with a volume pedal), really loud. in another thread https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/6056/ im searching for a limiter to cope with these ‘surprise’ volume bursts.

    if not for the big muff, id put the pog before the crybaby, cause otherwise the filtering sound of the wah wont be as accentuated as before. a good rule of thumb for placing pedals is placing last the pedals you like the most, because their sound will be louder when mixing effects. if you put the pog after, i think the crybaby will lose much of its force and get kind of bleached by the pog – obviously only if both are on, because the pog2 is true bypass.

    and this draws me to my last conclusion: the boss pedals are not at all true bypass, and if you put the pog before or after them youll hear a huge difference. i place my pog before a boss ps-5, it annoys me a bit but its an ok trade-off. but putting it before more pedals that have coloring bypasses will destroy a (considerable) bit of pogs tone, it wont sound as beautiful or as rich as if you placed it after the ‘untrue’ bypass.


    So if I try the one spot with it it just might be noisy, it won’t like mess anything up right? sorry if this is a dumb question.


    dumb questions are alright, but yes, it will Probably just be noisy (though i remember reading in the 1spot faq something about burned pedals, but this has nothing to do with anything except cheap construction – the voltage and amperes are ok).i read ppl commenting the godlyke power all is better with not burning stuff, but youll most probably have no problem with the 1spot (im getting a power all and hooking it up with the pog2, +- till december, i can post the result if you want to)


    Cool thanks for answering !, I’m probably gonna get the PP2+ at the same time as the pog but I’m not sure if my local guitar store has the pp2+ or not so I may have to order it.
    One more question, I heard that the pog has perfect tracking but what about on the real low notes? Cuz I play in a drop b tuning and sometimes the synths on my Fm4 start tracking funny on the really low notes.


    honestly, i think the voodoo power supplies are very overpriced, but if it is really important to you, then its as good as it gets (i always see famous guitarists with awesome effects using it, like Mogwai and pretty much every major band).

    if i understand correctly, the tracking of the pitch shifter amounts to the interval between the note played and the pitch shifted note, so that the smallest the interval, the better is the tracking (eg, the holy stain has a bad tracking while the pog’s tracking is perfect). if this is correct, the pog’s tracking is always excellent, but on low notes, like most of other pitch shifters, the sound gets muzzled and confused, like a bad distortion. the tracking remains perfect, but on low notes the minus octaves dont work very well. still a lot better than on my boss ps-5. it also may have to do with the amplifier youre using, perhaps a bass amp would do better

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