Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Controlling a 2880 with a Roland FC 300

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    Hello, I am a proud new owner of an EHX 2880. I am also an owner of a Roland FC 300 MIDI controller.

    I want to control my 2880 with my FC 300, and am having trouble.

    For example, a want to push the Play button with a MIDI command. The manual says this is CC# 104. However, my FC 300 only seems to send up to CC# 95.

    This seems very odd, as the FC 300 is pretty fancy.

    I am a N00B at MIDI. Is there something I don’t know– like CC# 104 would be called something else by Roland. After CC# 95, I can assign things like MMC Play and MMC Stop. Are those CC# 104.

    Alternatively, can I change the MIDI CC# assigned to the 2880?

    What I want to do can’t be that hard. Has anyone out done something like this?

    Thanks in advance


    Based one a quick browse through the FC300 manual, yes. Also probably yes seeing as that’s what my electribes send my 2880 and it responds to them.

    Are you going to assign the exp pedals to control each of the track faders? you totally should. or at least the normal stomps to be a 0/127 switch.


    Thank you Cryabetes,

    When you say “yes” do you mean that MMC Play == CC# 104?

    Once, I get anything to work, I will definitely assign the expression pedals to the faders.

    However, so far nothing has responded to any command.

    I am a software engineer, but a MIDI N00B, so it is probably my fault.

    I just plugged the MIDI Out from the FC 300 into the MIDI In on the 2800. That’s all I should have to do right?

    I have checked that both are working on channel 1. Is there anything else to check?

    I got advice on the VGuitar forum that I might need to set up the FC 300 with external sync. What is that about? Would the 2800 be providing the sync? If so, how?

    Thanks again


    yes meaning mmc play = cc104 [probably].
    and FC300 OUT -> 2880 IN, yes.
    both on the same channel yes.
    and you shouldn’t need to use external sync from the FC300 provided the FC300 has some sort of time clock [master BPM or summat like that.] If it doesn’t, a computer or drum machine is going to be probably a necessity unless you aren’t quantizing on the 2880.

    Although I suppose you could use the time clock in the 2880 if you have another midi cable (although that might not even be necessary if you aren’t using ‘EXT CLOCK’). I say ‘might’ because I’m not sure if the 2880 will take midi signals without EXT CLOCK on. I’m pretty sure it does, actually. but maybe not.

    Are you syncronizing this with any sort of beats or something or did you just want to use the FC300 instead of the EHX footswitch?


    Hmmm…. Well the possibilities *are* endless…

    However, for the moment, I’ll be very happy with using the FC 300 as a foot switch :-)



    no no the possibilities are limited, although the combinations are endless. that’s a common misconception.


    I’d be willing to bet there’s some sort of midi thru box that could convert one CC into another.

    If there’s not it wouldn’t be hard to do with an arduino & a small amount of skill.


    Yes there is. For example


    Unfortunately, such boxes cost more than a 2880 Foot Controller

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