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    I want to control multiple pedals with my 8 step or expression pedal. I tried a Y cable to control at least one more pedal and it didn’t work. A stereo splitter box with multiple stereo outputs (TRS) would suffice and is non existent. NOTHING LIKE THIS EXISTS! Why?

    Is it so weird of me to want to control lets say, for example with random changes, an array of 4,5,6 pedals in a drone pedal chain? I DON’T THINK SO. I FOUND REQUESTS LIKE MINE IN MANY FORUMS.

    I truly think that EHX would be perfect to make a stereo splitter box like this because it serves as a wonderful extension pedal for the 8 STEP pedal.

    Only for the 8 step? No of course not…EHX has expression pedals too….SO….

    ….SO I think you can make something that extends the control of your expression pedals and maybe give the option for alterations in the signal so that an expression pedal position could mean different things for each TRS output channel, IF someone wanted it.

    I think it would be a hit. But….What do you think? Would you be interested in making something like this?


    Electrically, what you suggest should work with the correct Y-cable.

    Provided that *all* the expression sockets are CV compatible.

    Perhaps do further experiments.

    an AB box is electrically the same as a Y-cable…just more plugging

    Electrically, what you suggest should work with the correct Y-cable.

    Provided that *all* the expression sockets are CV compatible.

    Perhaps do further experiments.

    an AB box is electrically the same as a Y-cable…just more plugging

    Thanks for your comment. It gives me the opportunity to clarify things for those that need it. First of all, your provision that all expression sockets should be CV compatible to use a Y cable, is null because usually expression inputs of guitar pedals take stereo jacks, so no CV anyway. But lets say you had a stereo in to 2 stereo outs Y cable, it wouldn’t work because each channel has to be isolated. SO simple abY box’s don’t cut it either. All those boxes in the market are usually mono in, mono out AND they aren’t isolated either. But since my post I found a box by a Company called “AMERICAN LOOPERS” that allows for one expression pedal to control 4 pedals. I communicated with them asking if they could add some features that would allow the same signal to be translated into different positions for each channel (maybe with a small 5 part dipswitch? OR a reverse function?-for each channel) But they told me they canceled their custom shop. I will probably get it anyway…it’s better than nothing…so there’s still a void there that only a company like EHX can fill.

    I hope this helped to clarify things. ANd again thanks for the comment.

    Electrically, what you suggest should work with the correct Y-cable.

    Provided that *all* the expression sockets are CV compatible.

    Perhaps do further experiments.

    an AB box is electrically the same as a Y-cable…just more plugging

    provision that all expression sockets should be CV compatible to use a Y cable, is null .

    uh…*the correct Y-cable*… they don’t *have* to be mono

    Totally agree this could be an EH thing, but till then.

    If the control voltage is on the tip why on earth do you think you can’t split it with a mono Y-cable?
    Basically that’s simple enough with the 8 step. Just split the output.
    For an active expression pedal…the same.

    Now if you want to use a passive exp ped then it’s a different game.
    Sockets to take exp peds, like those on EH and Moog Gear, provide 5V on the ring.
    So you’d want to get that 5V to the exp ped so it can be divided by the pot.
    You need at least one stereo jack on your Y-cable, and to not wire anything to short out.
    Depends on the exact way each of your pedals works, but a straightforward Y-cable using all stereo jacks and cable might be a place to start. Given that the stomp boxes are both 5V on ring then there’s no need for this “channel isolation” that you speak of. Ring carries 5V, tip carries your CV, shield is ground.

    You can try using one stompbox to provide the 5V, but whether it’s capable of driving the whole setup will be an experiment, and you’ll have to solder up a custom Y-Cable with correct connections.

    The piece of kit you can buy is the Moog CP-251.
    That will allow you to use a single exp pedal to control 3 or 4 pedals.
    With inversion should you require it, although you’ll have to deal with the fact it’s based on a +5 to -5V standard which means messing with DC offset form it’s mixer.
    ..and some possibility for different ranges.

    If you can find/afford a Moog mp-201 then that has/had 4 channels of very configurable voltage control, and a footpedal.

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