Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Connecting Two EHX9500 Loop Stations to go from 6-tracks to 12-tracks?

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    Massive thank you in advance to anyone who can help me!

    Please see the setup I currently have combining my two EHX 9500 looping stations here: https://imgur.com/a/iS2boLR

    I want to preface that I’m using this arrangement for busking, not producing music.

    I have tried making sense of the user manual many times, for how to get both loopers running on the same time using quantize & MIDI.

    However, for convenience sake of performing live, I never use the quantize option.

    I create the 1st loop, and then all other loops that follow have the same duration.

    Is it possible to get both looping stations, ‘running on the same clock’ without using the quantize mode??

    If so, please advise me what I should do before pressing: page button -> new loop button.

    I’m so sorry that I’m not technical or familiar with the terminology of this hardware, so if it’s not too much to ask, for any advice that is given, could it please be formatted the same as how you’d direct computer file pathways?

    This would simplify it exponentially for me. ( i.e. desktop -> applications -> logic )

    Thanks heaps for any help offered it’s greatly appreciated! – Jackson


    I am trying to figure the same thing.
    Did you happen to connect your 2 95000’s together?



    Hey Nate! Obviously no one else responded so this is not a common request.

    I know there is a way to do it with MIDI cables, and quantize mode.

    However for my live performance purposes that was not ideal, and I couldn’t make sense of the user manual cause of my dyslexia.

    I ended up voiding the warranties on my loopers and soldering the buttons together so that if you press one, it sends a signal to the other, so both buttons are ‘being pressed at the same time’ effectively.

    If you have an electrician friend or someone else who is good at this king of thing, the actual buttons themselves are pretty easy to wire together.

    Best of Luck, Jackson


    Interesting. Which two buttons did you solder together?


    Soldering the two buttons sounds very interesting and could work for me.
    Since my first inquiry I have figured out how to connect the two loopers with midi.

    I learned you have to use quantize mode to make it work. I am in the same boat as you and don’t want to use quantize mode while looping live.
    Quantize mode is not ideal because I create multiple sections like verse/bridge/chorus and having the count-in gets in the way.

    When I connected the two 95000’s together I was hoping the loopers would switch between verse/bridge/chorus. I tried it and the slave 95000 didn’t switch to the next riff. Maybe there is a way to do this?

    Do you create multiple sections with your 2 95000’s?

    Here’s an example of my set-up.

    Another reason I got the second 95000 is I wanted to route my bass and drums signal to their own speakers. That way my first looper can send the guitar signal to its own speaker.

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Here’s an example of my set-up.

    Another reason I got the second 95000 is I wanted to route my bass and drums signal to their own speakers. That way my first looper can send the guitar signal to its own speaker.

    Great performance and video!!

    You can route the two inputs on the 95000 to separate outputs by using their Pan knobs. So the Left input can be routed either fully left or fully right by setting its Pan knob. Same with the Right input.

    If you record the bass and drums on separate tracks, each track can be routed anywhere in the stereo by setting the tracks’ Pan knob. So you can set the bass for the Left output and the drums for the Right output, for example.


    Hey Nate, great video & cover of a great song.

    It’s exciting to find someone like-minded who wants to use the EHX9500 stations the same way as me.

    I was infuriated by the count in the issue of quantize mode and not getting it to work with MIDI.

    This was also a similar issue I was having trying to live loop on Ableton Live.

    I use my two stations precisely as you described wanting to, one for the intro/verse/chorus and the other for the bridge.

    I soldered the record buttons together going through a patch cable output I installed on the left side of both devices, as well as the play/stop buttons going through a patch cable output on the right side of the devices.

    I know that it is a simple circuit on the buttons that any electrician would be able to help you out with so that when one button is pressed, the corresponding/same button on the opposite device is ‘pressed’.

    By adding this functionality the 2nd looping station’s ‘clock’ will start and stop at the exact moment you begin recording the 1st layer of the 1st looping station.

    It’s also helpful to have the play/stop buttons soldered so that you can stop all layers at once for one bar right before the drop going into a chorus.

    Here is a picture of my devices: https://imgur.com/a/hbqXu7o

    You will notice that I added some 2×1 clear legos to the volume slides, as well as some bars so that I can mix layers of a song with my toes much easier than without.

    Best of luck to you and all your looping & busking ambitions. I hope live looping starts to get pushed into the forefront as people begin to realize all the possibilities it has to offer.

    All the Best, Jackson VanHarte


    Nice work Jackson!

    Did you try disabling Count-In when using Quantize with MIDI? See the Count-In section of the manual on page 19: https://www.ehx.com/assets/instructions/95000.pdf


    Hi Flick, sorry no I did not try that but could give it a go.

    Anyways, I wanted to share a recent video I made of how I use the two EHX9500s I have.

    One dedicated to the Verse/Chorus of a song, the other the Bridge/Outro:


    Still have a lot of work to get to where I want to be with live looping/performance, but I’m proud of this as an initial milestone.

    All the Best, Jackson VanHarte


    Great video/looping Jackson! Thanks so much for sharing.

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