Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Compression setup for Mel9

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    First I have to say the mel9 is ridiculously awesome. Thanks and kudos on a job well done!

    The instructions say compression can help and a lot of internet posts say the same thing, makes sense.

    The problem I am trying to solve with compression on my mel9 is the occasional extra hard pluck makes the sound go from pleasant to jarring, and I’m pretty sure compression is the key (besides “don’t pluck so hard” of course, lol).

    However I am a compression noob and can’t seem to dial in anything that makes any difference.

    I am using an EHX Platform without the drive or swell engaged.

    I’ve tried before and after the mel9 with a lot of variations of the upper knobs and buttons to no avail.

    What would be some ideal setups for the Platform working on a mel9?

    Help me EHX-kenobi, you’re my only hope!


    To control peak’s place the compression after the Mel9.
    Set it clean and use only enough to remove the loud spikes.
    The pic at the top of the page shows a setting that should work:


    Another trick is to simply lower the volume on the mel9, so you have to dig in a little to get max volume.


    Awesome thanks! I‘ll try it asap and post my results ?

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