Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Clone Theory new vs. vintage

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  • #78257
    Zoot Money

    Can anybody compare the new with the old models outside of the addition of stereo and removal of flange? I like the big box, but new one is…well…new. I read somewhere that the new one still uses the same DMM bucket chips (MN30XX). Much thanks.


    New one is still analog.

    I’ve never played the old one, but the new one is pretty good.

    There are two things I really like it for:

    1. Organ like vibrato tones
    2. That classic Peter Hook (Joy Division) chorused bass tone


    i love it’s vibrato. i havn’t played a vintage one, however i’ve been watching one on the bay going for 175 usd. i’ve read that the vintage ones are better. that is obviously not a surprise. however, i’m not sure if i believe that, but i’d obviously have to play one to compare.

    i love it’s vibrato. i havn’t played a vintage one, however i’ve been watching one on the bay going for 175 usd. i’ve read that the vintage ones are better. that is obviously not a surprise. however, i’m not sure if i believe that, but i’d obviously have to play one to compare.

    The vintage Clone theory are alot better, it’s a lot more flexible with it’s depth, rate and speed dials – the new version is good but a little toooo ridgid sound control wise

    i love it’s vibrato. i havn’t played a vintage one, however i’ve been watching one on the bay going for 175 usd. i’ve read that the vintage ones are better. that is obviously not a surprise. however, i’m not sure if i believe that, but i’d obviously have to play one to compare.

    The vintage Clone theory are alot better, it’s a lot more flexible with it’s depth, rate and speed dials – the new version is good but a little toooo ridgid sound control wise

    Truth. I’ve heard the noise is a bother, but I usually don’t care that much about noise anyway…


    the vintage Clone Theory’s sound is absolutely amazing. :metal: especially if you are looking to do some wild/experimental/progressive/whatever type stuff when it’s engaged. you can dial in the perfect chorus tone, but allow the theory to push its limits :freak:

    get a small clone (full chassis) for standard chorus purposes.

    i really don’t think the XO version can compare. it’s like the clone theory is to the small clone what the grail plus is to the holy grail: “upgrades” on the classic stompboxes. btw: in both cases i wonder where the “plus” is…

    the original models are huge & need specific power supply. this is a board drawback. they are also hard to find. eBay expect to pay approx $200, and that’s when there is one up for auction. there is one up now if anyone wants to join the fight for it. :nono:

    a link to an ok demo of the vintage model, clean & dirty, with a Jag :rawk:

    if you are looking into the new clone theory, look for a vintage one. if you can’t seem to find one, or your local shop has one they want $350 bucks for (not hyperbole) — then look into the Stereo PolyChorus. the poly does some wild things with the unprecedented EHX chorus sound. if you just want that classic ehx chorus, the small clone is a no-brainer. but for a box that has much more capabilities, the polychorus (chorus, flange, flangematrix, & an echo-type setting) is the contemporary way to go. and as aforementioned, the vintage Theory is the better pedal, if available.

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