Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Classic Y Triggered Filter, help needed, is mine broken??

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  • #78873

    Hello Scott and all others!,

    i am a first time forum user, long time EHX user.

    (and all your new product has made me such a fan that i am buyin up everything EHX new and old, effects, tubes, mixers, mics, and speakers too! havent got ahold of an amp yet)

    i recently got a hold of one of your classic Y Triggered Filters.

    the problem is i dont think its working right and i wanted to know if anyone here knows if its working correctly.

    i can only find one Youtube video of sum one using it with bass, and it sounds nice!
    like a very tight filter slapback.


    but mine sounds like it stays in one filtered position when used with my guitar. no movement. it only sounds just like a wah if i manualy pan the knob. is this correct? or maybe this was made for use on bass only?

    any help or suggestions would be apreciated.

    The EH Man

    Sounds like the trim pots need to be adjusted.


    thanks for the advise EH-MAN but i opened the case and there is no trim pots in it at all. the only potentiometer at all is the one with the knob on the outside. any other suggestions?

    The EH Man

    I’d replace the 2nd op-amp IC. Not sure if it’s labeled on the board but it would be IC2.


    well i apreciate the advise, i respect your work.

    but i guess i will have to take it to sum one to look at when i get the extra cash.

    nothing on the board is labeled at all. its not evan green or tan, its almost a light see thrue grey, and the etching looks hand done like sumthing ive made from the “Electronic Projects for Musitions” book. all curvy lines not strait.

    im no profesianal but i have done sum work. im handy with a soldering iron if i have the board labled and or a schimatic or wireing diagram.


    😥 so sad…

    this was my first post ever, and i tried to go back to that pedal tonight and it still dont work…it just sits on my shelf lookin pretty ….

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