Home Forums The Lounge Classic chassis Small Stone discontinued? It would seem so.

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    I took a gander at Musician’s friend. I then saw the dreaded Limited quantity!

    Seeing this made me impulsively order one of them on the spot. Has it finally happened? Is the sheet metal/tolex genocide nearing completion? I’m afraid so.


    My Russian Small Stone Died on me the other day & as I can’t find another one of them anywhere I decided to replace it with a new NYC Small Stone.

    Being a fan of the classic chassis EHX pedals I decided that was what I wanted (I’m told the Nano sounds identical but I just like the big pedals)

    There didn’t seem to be a huge number available on the internet here in the U.K. (most places had theNano’s).

    However I found a shop & ordered one only to get a call half an hour later to say actually they didn’t have any & wouldn’t be getting anymore classic chassis. (so I got a refund)

    I found another shop listing them & ordered one from there, once again half an hour later I got a call to tell me that they too had sold their last one & didn’t know if they’d get more as they were told that EHX was stopping production, (they tried to talk me into a Nano but I’m a funny so & so & stubbornly wanted the classic chassis) so again a refund.

    I called around some more & finally found another shop, they said they still had some in stock.

    They too said as far as they knew production was stopping & they wouldn’t be getting anymore after these (as with DMM & Holy Grail) said it was a shame but that EHX didn’t seem to have an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it policy”

    Curiously the ones they had in stock came with the pine boxes?

    Anyway 3rd time lucky I ordered one & fingers crossed should get it in a day or two.

    So from my little experience here in the UK the prevailing opinion amongst the 5 or 6 shops I’ve spoken to was that they wouldn’t be getting anymore classic chassis, maybe just a ploy to get me to buy a Nano? but maybe true, seems that way?


    the xo and nano’s are great

    John J

    i haven’t seen the classic chassis in a cardboard box for a while actually, they’ve all been pine recently. also, i finally saw the nano grails in store today and it’s likely only a matter of time before the POG is phased out. i notice the holiest grail is gone as well, which is odd – it seemed such a popular pedal. are we to expect an ‘i know we said the last one was the holiest but we were mistaken, this new one is the holiest’ grail?

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