Home Forums The Lounge Cheapo Tele Style Bodies

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  • #79313

    Hey Everyone!

    I was wondering if anyone knew were I could get a cheap tele style body. I’ve been inspired to start my own parts guitar project, but since it’s my first one, I’ve decided to play it safe and buy cheap parts. The cheapest body I’ve found so far is from guitarfetish.com, but I was wondering if maybe someone else has found something cheaper. I also wouldn’t mind a full guitar, so long as the body is a tele style and the price is right ($100 or less). I can always sell off any parts I don’t use for my project.

    Thanks for the help guys!


    well to be honest i get most pre built parts like that off Ebay, another great source is http://www.stewmac.com, they focus on Luthers that generally build instruments from scratch but have a lot of useful parts like bodies ect, and useful tips ect. i would check them out! you can always request a free catalog, its very inspirational.

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