Home Forums Help/Technical Questions cathedral infinite – not so infinite?

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    i had noticed that the infinite mode on my cathedral is not so infinite when in comes to the accu spring mode – when holding the infinite switch (or turning the reverb time up to 100%) it will still slowly fade away.

    the other modes don’t seem to be as bad as the accu spring mode — strange? or has anyone else noticed this with their pedal?


    i took the time when i was working today to put the different modes to test. the image below shows the wave forms of the sound held by holding the infinite switch over 10 minutes.

    looks like the only mode that retains 100% signal is the reverse mode, with the echo in a close second loosing just a little over the 10 minute duration.

    in terms of the reverb modes, looks like the grail spring retains sound the best, followed by hall, room and plate.

    the accu spring seemed to loose almost all signal at about the 2 minute mark

    just thought those like me who are interested in drone music might find this helpful…


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