Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Can the Voice Box do this for me?

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  • #86464

    Hello boys and girls!

    I’m putting together a comedy act and YT channel (I’m retired, bored, and Covid-exhausted), and need something to replicate various chimp and ape voices. I’ll be wearing masks. Chimp, gorilla, capuchin/reesus monkey, possibly one more.

    Yes, I know. What the heck is a monkey voice? I don’t know, but I hope you get the idea. I basically need something that will change octave, modulation, and one or two other parameters that I can fine tune to give me a believable gorilla talking English.

    Do you think the Voice Box can do it? All of the YT demos I see only relate to music and don’t explore this aspect at all, like creating cartoon voices.

    I know there are probably cheap computer/iApps that can do this, but I don’t want to deal with that, I worry about latency, and I want to work direct into an amp with a piece of hardware that I can work live with, even on the YT channel. (Don’t want to process audio in post!)

    Thanks for your input, guys. I’m into playing guitar, and have a Boss octave pedal, which gives you a full octave lower. MAYBE that will work for the gorilla, but won’t give me the higher octave and other fine tuning that I assume something like the Voice Box might.

    I also have a Roland guitar synthesizer, but I don’t think that will do me any good at all.


    Sure that would work but something like a Pitch Fork pedal would be great for that.
    Its smaller and easier.
    the Boss octave is a different system and not great at producing a vocal solo.


    Thanks for the reply!!

    I never heard of a Pitchfork Pedal.


    Okay…I see there are two models.

    Will the higher model give me any features that would help my particular voice needs, like adding dirt/a gravelly sound for a gorilla…instead of pairing with another pedal?

    I know. These are probably the stupidest questions you’ve been asked in years.

    If these pedals can bring me both up and down 3 octaves (I assume full, seamless range), this sounds like the ticket.


    Actually in the + version there is a FM mode which has kind of a ring modulator sound.
    that could give you something gravelly
    Never tried it but it would be cool for that AND robot sounds

    You will need a mic with a 1/4 plug

    Actually in the + version there is a FM mode which has kind of a ring modulator sound.
    that could give you something gravelly
    Never tried it but it would be cool for that AND robot sounds

    You will need a mic with a 1/4 plug


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