Home Forums The Lounge Can EHX dirt boxes sound good through a Marshall ?

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  • #88460
    Ned Flanders

    Here too dude, waaay overpriced. They are expensive in the US too though.

    Here too dude, waaay overpriced. They are expensive in the US too though.

    yeah they are double that here….crazy money…

    a duel rectifier head is £1664 that’s nearly $2500 at the moment. :freak:

    you can get a JCM900 Vintage Reissue dual reverb head for under £700

    The thing about marshalls is they aren’t clean like fender amps, that always put me off. They look cool and intimidating though. I like mesa stacks, they sound sick and are probably the only amp distortion I really like.

    That’s why if you live over there and you want clean sounds you pick up a Vox. Grrrrrrrrrr!

    Ned Flanders
    Here too dude, waaay overpriced. They are expensive in the US too though.

    yeah they are double that here….crazy money…

    a duel rectifier head is £1664 that’s nearly $2500 at the moment. :freak:

    you can get a JCM900 Vintage Reissue dual reverb head for under £700

    Whats a handwired 100w marshall head worth in the UK?

    Here too dude, waaay overpriced. They are expensive in the US too though.

    yeah they are double that here….crazy money…

    a duel rectifier head is £1664 that’s nearly $2500 at the moment. :freak:

    you can get a JCM900 Vintage Reissue dual reverb head for under £700

    Whats a handwired 100w marshall head worth in the UK?

    worth as in to sell used? or to buy new??

    as I said in the UK hardly anyone plays Fender amps….it’s all Marshall, Vox, Laney, Orange, Hiwatt etc…..plenty of EHX users though!! ;)

    You forgot the most important one mate : MATAMP

    The thing about marshalls is they aren’t clean like fender amps, that always put me off. They look cool and intimidating though. I like mesa stacks, they sound sick and are probably the only amp distortion I really like.

    The MATAMP GT-1 is the amp distortion that i truely LOVE !

    The Marshall VintageModern i like, the GT-1 i LOVE !

    Orange Thunderverb 50 (not the Rockerverb) is also GREAT !

    Ned Flanders
    Here too dude, waaay overpriced. They are expensive in the US too though.

    yeah they are double that here….crazy money…

    a duel rectifier head is £1664 that’s nearly $2500 at the moment. :freak:

    you can get a JCM900 Vintage Reissue dual reverb head for under £700

    Whats a handwired 100w marshall head worth in the UK?

    worth as in to sell used? or to buy new??

    New, duderino.


    Sir Jack: that Hot Tubes in your avatar was designed while using a JCM900 via 4×12…
    (clean channel, though…)


    1959HW handwired plexi 100 head will set you back just over £1000…about £600 cheaper than a mesa duel rec head.

    Ned Flanders

    Thats about AU$2,280. but Here you will pay about AU$4,449…big difference hay.

    Thats about AU$2,280. but Here you will pay about AU$4,449…big difference hay.


    pricey!! :worried:

    Ned Flanders

    Yep and considering my twin reverb cost me AU$2,300 but retails for AU$3,100 I think I’ll stick with fenders. I’d love a mesa but I could never afford one on my income.

    Yep and considering my twin reverb cost me AU$2,300 but retails for AU$3,100 I think I’ll stick with fenders. I’d love a mesa but I could never afford one on my income.

    yeah, unfortunatly for most people it’s what everything boils down to…it has it’s advantages though, the reason I started using EHX effects is because they were in my price range that I’m willing/able to pay, I have a lot of respect for them keeping the prices at reasonable levels so everyone can afford them.


    Guys, what do you think about this twin amp set-up !

    Guitar –>EHX –>Fender Hot Rod in (((stereo))) w Marshall VintageModern 2×12 combo.

    For a Sludy-Stoner Doom tone.

    Think Fu Manch mixed with Acid King & Electric Wizard.

    . . . or would a Marshall DSL401 combo be a better suited Marshall ?

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