Home Forums Help/Technical Questions C9 and Synth 9 – some presets, even when Organ / Synth volume set to zero, there is still sound

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    Today I have some time to test and setup all my four ‘9’s to the pedal board.

    For B9 and Key9, when the Organ / Keys volume set to zero, there is no sound output. This is expected.

    However for :

    C9 – presets #2, #3, #5 and #7

    Synth9 – preset #4

    – there is still sound when Organ / Keys volume set to zero. The volume will control the main sound to zero, but some overtones like the 5th is still sounding.

    * Both volume (dry and wet) are both set to zero.

    Is these intended or a problem with my units ?


    That is by design. The presets you list all have multi synth volumes allowing you to mix different parts of the sound.
    EX in the Synth 9 the Synth volume controls one oscillator and CTRL l controls the glide oscillator.
    In the C9 the CTRL knobs control different octaves volumes of the organ allowing you a greater mix option of organ sounds.
    SO you have more than one volume control for the organs and synth.

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