Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Buffer good with EHX pedals?

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    So I’ve accumulated quite a collection of EHX pedals and all of them are true-bypass which is very apparent in my signal. I was thinking of getting the Carl Martin Buff Deluxe, which is basically a buffer for true-bypass pedals. Does anyone else use buffers when most of the pedals on your pedalboard are true-bypass or do you just manage without it?

    Ned Flanders

    I don’t even bother worrying about if a pedal is TB or not, if I like the pedal I use it. To me its 100% irrelevant as I only use 3-4 pedals. 1 of which is a tuner and the other a loop recorder so that leaves a buffered distortion and a non TB sovtek big muff, my setup sounds sick so that just proves the TB purists are full of shit! (which I always knew anyways even when I used to use up to 20 pedals)

    If you think your set up sounds good don’t bother changing anything, if not I’d look else where first…

    In my experience a pedals bypass and cables dont make a bit of difference (sure some effect the clean tone a bit but its fixable with the amps treble knob), its how you set your EQ and how you play that makes the most difference and what counts the most.


    I have my pedal board set up so that everything is going through a ‘clean’ overdrive first. .
    Basically, if your sound is 100% where you want it when it’s clean, go for the buffer. If not, try an EQ pedal or something that’s fun rather than a pedal that does “nothing”. [yeah yeah i know it does stuff]


    I have so say it’s not something I worry about, it’s very rare that I’m plugged into a row of pedals and don’t have at least one on.


    Thanks for the replies. I just wanted input on this issue. I don’t have a quality amplifier so I use guitar pedals to help with my tone…I wish I could get a tube amp…someday.

    Ned Flanders

    If you are after a classic tube sound but cant afford an amp right now look into “Tech 21” pedals (the SansAmp is my fav) as they emulate tube amps really really well going straight into solid state amps. I used a SansAmp into solid state for years before I started using tube amps. IMO, if you can use solid state and sound good (Like The Melvins) then do it, its cheaper and far far more reliable.

    Oh, Dimebag Darrel is another guy who got a sick and iconic sound out of solid state.


    I wanted to get the Sansamp ParaDriver DI, but now that you mention it…I always wanted to see how those tube-sounding pedals sound. Thanks for the input. And by the way…I still can’t believe Dimebag mostly used solid-state amps!

    Ned Flanders

    Yeah you can get good SS amps. the Sun beta lead is my favorite and its possibly the best sounding of them all. Tech 21 make SS amps too.


    Oddly enough…I don’t really like the tone of most Tech21 amps. The one I did hear, probably wasn’t all that to me kus the guy playing it sucked and had shitty tone. But I’ll take your word on the pedals. So the Sun beta is where it’s at? Any other pedals you’d recommend? I play a wide variety of music, mostly reggae, but also blues, bossa nova, jazz, etc. and I’m trying to find gear that I can shape to whatever tone I want.


    I use a cusack screamer [with the gain really low but the level really high] and a Boss EH-2 for my “clean” sound. I can use pretty much any PA and get the same [good] guitar sound, which is a lot easier for me than lugging around an amp. Similar setups would be the English Muff’n or the Tech 21 stuff.
    My fav solid state amps are the Peavey Vega, the Fender Jazz Chorus, and the Peavey CS800.


    Fender Jazz Chorus…sounds nice. Thanks for the comment, definitely gotta look into that cusack screamer (kus I know how a lot of guitarists are picky with their distortions).


    solid state amps usually have decent power amps, but the preamps can be god-awful sometimes. I have a Fender Princeton Chorus (not my main amp, I just have it) and the stereo power amp, chorus, and reverb are nice but the preamp blows. I’ve been thinking it would be nice to get one of those Tech 21 or Catalinbread pedals and use that as the pre-amp going straight into the FX return.


    I wish that whole “your favorite distortion pedal in the return of your amp” thing worked with my amp…the effects loop only works when both send/return are in use :(

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