Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Broken foot switch on new unit

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    I recently bought a Super Switcher from a vendor online, and it showed up looking OK, until I took it out of the bag, and the #5 foot switch plunger, ( plastic shaft type ) just fell out of the hole leaving the spring sitting in the hole.
    The switch itself still works, I can power the unit, and push the plunger into the top opening, and switch #5 on and off, but the plunger is just flopping around in the opening.

    I was wondering…..
    1. Does the plunger have a “tab” or something similar that has broken and wont retain the plunger? Or is there a configuration where the plunger is set in a way, that it keeps it secure?

    2. Can the switch be replaced? Will EHX sell a replacement? I’m guessing not, so if anyone has a part number, or type for this switch, I’d appreciate it.

    Anyone had to deal with this on a super switcher?

    Thanks in advance,

    EDIT: I have not opened the unit yet to take a look at the switch itself yet.


    So sorry to hear this.
    The best thing to do it return it to the vendor for a replacement.
    That is the fastest.
    Or you can write the service techs at info@ehx.com on Monday.

    Again sorry to hear this and for y9our trouble.

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