Home Forums The Lounge Broken DOD FX-75B…Please Help Me

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    I recently bought a third flanger (fourth, if you count the Polychorus): a DOD FX-75B. I had one in high school, and it was my favorite flanger. Problem is, it arrived non-functioning. It works in bypass, but not when it would be activated. No sounds, no LEDs, no nothing. Any one here have any ideas?


    could be anything almost… if there’s no led or anything it sounds like there’s no power, have you checked the battery snap is connected and not broken or anything? battery good?

    if you want open it up and see if there’s any wires disconnected, post some pictures if you can, we might be able to see something.


    it wouldn’t bypass if it were the power system though… DOD’s bypass system was jfet based….
    bad ICs for the flanging? busted solder connection on the signal path?

    might just be cheaper to try buying another. The FX-72 should give you a very similar sound.
    Another similar circuit is going to be the Boss HF-2 [same delay chip].


    This is just a long shot, but if I’m right you can refer to me as a genius. I have picked up a plethora of the old DOD pedals, and many were non-functioning in the same manner. Often, but not always, it turned out to be a J201 FET at the input (part of the buffer). My only guess is that someone put the pedal further down the line and fed it a hot enough signal that it overloaded the JFET and it gave up. That’s probably wrong, as I can’t see a signal that big coming in, but it was still the J201 more than a few times.
    A quick check, and the schematic is available online. The power comes through a J113; check it. After that, scope it through the signal path, and you’ll likely find it sooner or later.

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